Chapter 25

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Author's Note: It's ARES' POV!!! (from a 3rd person's POV) 😂
This chapter isn't that good.. But I finally had a day free and I wanted to write something for my amazing readers.
The day is gone and so is my short lived freedom. 😭😭😭
Hope you all like it. I better go back to my studies. 😟

His fingers drummed on the velvety cloth resting on top of his knee, matching their pace with the rhythm of clip clopping of hooves making contact with asphalt. Tinted quarter glass allowed the image of surroundings to fall before his narrowed eyes, reproducing a hazy reflection in his own emeralds.

His sensitive hearing could detect faint murmurs coming from a distance, getting clearer and clearer as he neared his destination.

'Will he be here today?'

'I heard he does not go out in sun.'

'Will he carry out the ceremony?'

'What right does he have to rule us if he fails to perform something as minor as this?'

He exhaled through his mouth, tearing his eyes away from the scene to lean back against his seat. His body maintained a stiff posture despite the slow jerky movements of carriage urging him to sway with it.

"We have reached our destination, Milord."

The carriage came to a halt just before Henry's thick accent reached him from outside.

The door to the carriage opened, revealing him before thousands of prying eyes. His leather boots made a crunching sound as they touched the gravel, drawing further unnecessary attention towards him. He could feel their lingering gazes glued to his skin, scorching his presence but as soon as he looked up, every single pair of eyes lowered down to the ground immediately.

A grave silence washed over all the crowd as they saw the tall imposing figure step out of the carriage, preparing to walk towards them.

He lifted his hands to grip the soft fabric of his cloak. With one swift motion, he pulled the hood over his head, shielding his face away from the sharp rays of glaring sun.

"Are you sure about this, Milord?"

He glanced at his side to see Henry looking up at him with worry linning his features.


His boots tapped lightly on the concrete as he started walking towards the crowd gathered at the town's square.

Apparently, the town's people had captured a Nosferatu. A rogue vampire caught drinking the blood of one of the villagers. The vampire's skills implied he was a newly turned vampire. Too inexperienced to control his hunger or hide his traces. And this ignorance of his had eventually lead him to his demise, costing him his life. Although, he didn't die alone, taking a bunch of villagers along with him to the gates of death.

The smell of blood hung in the air, invading his sensitive olfaction. The metallic odour was eliciting his primal needs while, on the other hand, the stench of rottening corpses churned his stomach with disgust.

He shook his head slightly, noticing people cover half of their faces to stop the stench from flowing inside their nostrils. 'If they do not like it, why are they so adamant on doing it?'

Humans... He could never understand their unreasonable logic. But one thing he had known during his continuous venture after being exiled was, humans can be one of the cruelest species present on the face of earth.

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