Chapter 13

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She sat on the window ledge, legs propped up, resting against the wall. A long satin nightgown was draped over her legs, shielding them away from the prying eyes. Her head rested against the glass as she tapped it with her index finger. Gently. Rhythmically. Just like he did in her dream.

A lone street lamp casted yellow light upon the street below. She could see the trees loaded with crisp orange leaves lining the side walk. Fallen dry leaves were scattered where the roots sprouted out of the earth. She had a sudden urge to walk barefoot on them. Feel the rough surface on her sole as they get crushed under her feet and produce their peculiar crunching sound.

Most of the people she had met considered Autumn a very sad season. But her thoughts were the exact opposite of it. She loved everything about Fall. Its calm nights filled the emptiness inside her heart. Nothing relaxed her like a walk during the silent evenings of Fall. Even then, she was resisting the urge to go out. But it was already near midnight.

Her finger traced an unknown pattern on the glass surface as her thoughts wandered towards a certain someone, for the umpteenth time. She could still feel the child clinging to her-his body yearning for the safety he provided. She remembered how despite being starved for a long time he controlled his thirst, stopping himself from sucking her dry. How he healed her injuries. How he saved her life not just one but two times. His strong embrace as he held her to his chest. And that kiss. How could she forget the kiss that took her breath away. If only its memory weren't tainted by the traces of her pain. She could've remembered it more clearly. She sighed as she placed her foot on the wooden floor, stepping down to draw the curtains.

She could no longer deny her growing feelings for him. Her heart seemed to be winning the battle. She didn't know whether it was the bond messing with her head or something else, but she was starting to see the man behind the cold exterior. The true person behind that monster's facade.

She walked towards her room, untying the loose knot in front of her gown, on her way. She took it off revealing a short nightdress beneath. Its thin straps hugged her lean shoulders making her collar bones stand out. Lace adorned its edges as the silk garment clung to her waist, enhancing her bust in appearance. She took the clip out of her hair letting a raven cascade flow down her back.

Dropping the gown on the couch, she fell on the bed with a thump. Would I dream about him tonight? The question was lurking inside the corners of her mind. Gone was the fear clutching her heart from the past weeks. In its place, anticipation had taken root inside her heart.

She lay there on her bed, waiting for sleep to take over her and bring her to him yet it didn't. She kept staring at the ceiling but the sleep she had been anticipating impatiently never came. Her throat suddenly began to feel dry.

"Why do I start to feel thirsty the moment I lie down on my bed. Why?" She grumbled to herself, stomping on her way to the kitchen. Filling a glass with tap water she drank it all in one big gulp. She was placing the glass back on the counter when she noticed something off. Her eyes moved up from the counter as she stared at the window she had been sitting on. It was open. Curtains swaying lightly with breeze.

Is there a burglar? What the hell would someone get out of robbing this small apartment? Her heart raced as she walked slowly towards the window. She outstretched her trembling hand and pulled the curtain back with a sudden movement. There was no one behind it. She let out a sigh of relief. Her hands moved swiftly to lock the window again, double checking it. She was drawing the curtains together when she stopped midway. She could sense a presence behind her.

She gulped inaudibly, her heart trying to beat out of her ribbcage. Praying silently for it to be just her paranoia, she spun around abruptly.

Her eyes bulged out at the site of a man standing not too far from her. She stepped back holding her breath. There was no object in her reach to attack him with. No way to run. The only way to reach the front door was behind him and he was blocking it with his body. She kept her eyes glued to him, looking out for his next move.

The man approached her slowly making her press herself harder to the window. He moved without making any sound. His steps were as silent as that of a predator ready to pounce on his prey. Not even a single creak from the floorboards could be heard.

As he came closer, the light coming from the window behind her casted a dull yellow shade on his sharp features. Green orbs twinkled in the fiery yellow light. She couldn't control her happiness as she realised who it was. Without a second thought, she ran to him and pressed her body to his, hugging him tightly. The feeling of finally being home returned. She had never felt this much happiness on seeing him before. She felt like laughing at her own self. She was happier to have a vampire with her rather than a burglar. But he would never harm me. The bond wouldn't let him. Right?

She snuggled more into him, tightening her hold. Her body fit perfectly well with his. It felt as if it were carved just for him. Like two puzzle pieces that completed each other. She could hear a heartbeat from where she had placed her head on his chest. There was a slow thumping sound coming from his upper thorax. It was dull but there was no doubt in its presence. Didn't they say that a vampire's heart doesn't beat?

She leaned back to look up at him. He was already gazing down at her with something unknown swirling in his green eyes. Her eyes fell down to his arms. They had stayed at his sides all the time she was hugging him. She felt disappointment wash over her. How could I be so stupid to just run into his arms like that? His.. unwelcoming arms.

Remorse started to settle inside her as she tried moving away from him. But he held her arms immediately, stopping her from backing away. She placed her small hands on his chest, clutching his shirt for support. His body was cold to the touch. She looked up at him questionably only to find his eyes roaming up and down her body. They travelled from her parted lips to her heaving breasts to her little hands resting on his firm chest. And then they moved back up the same path, leaving a burning trail everywhere they stared.

He leaned his head down towards her lips as she closed her eyes awaiting his next move.

Mwahaha I feel so evil! 😂😂😂
We got 2K reads! So yes, I decided to do a double update and now my battery is down to 1%
No, I'm not talking about my phone. 😦
It may have some mistakes because I couldn't focus much on it. If you notice any, feel free to tell me 💕
Please vote and comment to show your support. I'll sleep now. Love you all, You AMAZING people! 😍❤

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