Chapter 17

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Some of the readers were confused regarding Ares' behaviour. So.. I decided to give you all a sneak peak inside our DEAR ARES' mind! Yes. It's HIS POV. Well His POV from a 3rd person's POV 😂

I hope you all like it.
Do tell me what you felt about it in the comments 💕
Love you all! 😍

He lay motionless on his throne, hearing her footsteps fade as she drifted farther and farther away from him. He could no longer see her but his sensitive hearing was able to detect her faint heartbeat resonating through his castle. It calmed him. Just like the night she first stepped foot inside in there.

Last couple of centuries weren't easy on him. Even though his body had long since changed into stone, he still tried desperately to save his heart from the same fate. Vampires were notorious for being ruthless creatures. He didn't want to be a part of their sick games. He believed in kindness. He believed in treating others equally.  Whether it be a commoner or a... human being. He was exiled from Romania because of this mindset. Because of the open display of his emotions. He was despised in his own country. The Weakling Prince, this is what they called him.

A heavy sigh escaped his lips. 'Maybe they were right. Look where it got me.'

He was taught since his childhood to treat human beings as food. Nothing but a species present at the end of the food chain. His young mind couldn't grasp this concept. The slave that took care of him since his birth was a sweet human woman, Deborah. She loved him like her own son. How could he think so lowly of the woman who he regarded as his own mother. Apparently, this wasn't appreciated by the king's officials. They requested for the public execution of the slave woman. The worst part about it was that they made him watch it. Little Ares witnessed his mother figure dying right in front of him. He watched as her sparkling eyes lost the light they once held.

A little pieace of him died with her that day. He didn't take another human slave after that. He took care of himself on his own. He was afraid to get attached to someone. He was afraid of their death.

His unconventional ways ignited the king's wrath day by day. According to his father, A ruler must always be merciless. He should kill his own weakness before someone else gets a hold of it. As the future king of vampires, Ares wasn't allowed to have any weaknesses.

The court's officals had their eyes on the throne. They were continuously scheming behind his back to make him fall into disfavour with the king. Their attempts only got more and more extreme after Deborah's execution. Ares was forced into seclusion. His only companions were his loyal books. So he spent his days and nights drowning himself into those crumbling pages living lives he could only dream of having.

He placed his dangling legs on the floor, sitting upright. Dusk was approaching fast. He could see a big halo of orange and red sinking in the depth of a blue sea. His mind wandered to the day he was exiled from his homeland.

The sun was being swallowed by the voracious dark night. He stood in his balcony overlooking his father's great empire. At times like these, he yearned for a companion to stand by his side. Share these lonely times with him.

A child's scream ripped him away from his dark thoughts. There was something about children that called out to him. He couldn't stand to see them suffering. Probably because of his own distorted past. He tried ignoring them but he they only got louder, tearing away at his conscience.

He couldn't hold himself anymore. He jumped out of his balcony, following the direction of the screams. The loud cries led him to a small hut. He could sense a strong metallic smell coming from the hut. Did a vampire attack a human family? That's against the rules.

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