Chapter 14

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I woke up first, Levi and I are still entangled together. I really have to pee. I slowly and carefully started to slip out of his embrace. He groaned slightly but then he rolled onto his back, still asleep. I crawled out of bed, slipped on a shirt, and went into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror my dark brown hair was everywhere. I noticed something on my neck. I leaned in closer to the mirror and realized. He gave me a hickey. I did my business and then brushed my teeth.

I headed downstairs, it's my turn to make breakfast. It took me a while to figure out where everything was in his kitchen but I figured it out. About a half hour later, breakfast was ready. I set the tablet and put served the food to both plates. I made egg burritos, hashbrowns, sausage, and a side of toast.

I headed off to wake up Levi. I silently walked up the stairs to his side of the bed where he was still sleeping peacefully on his back. I gently placed one leg on either side of his legs. I hovered for a few seconds and then eased my weight down onto his crotch.

He groaned as he began to wake up. When he opened his eyes he squinted at me.

"What are you doing, Eren?" He was definitely unhappy.

I placed my hands on his chest, "I'm taking care of my lover's needs, duh." Levi's eyes widened briefly and then I felt his 'friend' move beneath me. I blushed brightly and was about to get off when Levi grabbed my arms. "I-I didnt mean it that way! I m-made breakfast for you."

He stared at me for a second and then let go of my arms. He placed a hand on my shin and lifted it, knocking me over. "Let me go brush my teeth, morning breath is the world's biggest cockblock."

"Meet me in the kitchen when you're done, okay?" Levi just nodded so I went downstairs and waited.

Two minutes later Levi joined me. We ate, Levi praised my cooking and afterwards we decided to play a game.

I sat in the living room waiting for Levi. When he returned he had two nerf guns and extra magazines filled with ammunition. I smiled and he threw a gun to me. I caught it.

"So what are the rules, Corporal?"

"Whoever gets shot has to remove a piece of clothing. Also the person just shot is immortal for 5 seconds." Levi and I were both fully dressed.

"Prepare to get naked."

Levi stayed downstairs while I ran up. Levi began to count down, "10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2... 1.. GO!"

I creeped towards to corner, right before the staircase. I peeked and the moment I spotted Levi a nerf bullet shot right infront of my nose. I shouted. "That scared the shit out of me, man!"

"You're a baby, stop camping!"

"I have no choice!!" I peeked back over and he was gone. I ran down the stairs as quietly as possible. I peeked in to the kitchen. Empty. I turned around and felt a small pain in my ass.

"Take it off, babe." Levi looked accomplished.

I removed my shirt and threw at him and then ran into the kitchen. I turned to face the entrance and Levi was gone, along with my shirt. I went back towards the entrance and rolled to the hallway across it. I could see the slightest bit of Levis elbow. I aimed and shot.

"Fuck!" I saw Levi throw off his shirt.

This went on for about 15 minutes until we were both in our boxers.
I was now hiding behind a couch and Levi somewhere upstairs. I crawled behind the couch and then out in the open until I was right next to the staircase. I sprinted up and rolled into the bedroom.

"Levvviii!! Where aarree you?" I said in a ominous sing-song voice.

I poked my head out of the bedroom, still no sign of him. I went back and sat on the bed, aiming at the door way, just waiting for him to show his self. I heard soft footsteps outside of the door. Levi poked his head in and I pulled the trigger, the nerf bullet hit him smack dab on the forehead.

My Story of Love (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now