Chapter 41

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January 6th - The Anniversary

Today is our anniversary. We are taking a break from all the packing and are going to focus on each other whether Eren likes it or not.

I scooted closer to Eren and squeezed him against me.

"Happy anniversary, Eren." I kissed his cheek and crawled out of bed.

Its freezing. I change my mind and curled up next to Eren again. "Eren, wake up. It's cold." I poked him. He groaned but continued sleeping. "Eren." I shook him lightly. "Eeerreeennn." He groaned and looked at me.

"What are you doing? I'm sleeping."

"I'm cold. Also, its our anniversary so I want you to get up and actually spend time with me."

"Just give me 5 more minutes." Eren rolled onto his stomach and closed his eyes.

I crawled out of bed again and started to work around the house. We got everything he wants to keep separated from what he doesn't. We moved his mattress into his living room about two nights ago and so that's where we sleep.

I made a whole bunch of phone calls to people about the house and about the stuff he doesn't want. I yelled at a few people, hung up on others but I eventually got everything figured out. We just have to get a stinking U-Haul which is way overpriced. The things I do for love.

I went into Eren's room and began folding his clothes and placing them neatly in a box. All of his clothing took two of the larger boxes. I did pillows and blankets next which took even more boxes.

I worked for about an hour before getting irritated with Eren's laziness. I walked downstairs into the living room and stood on the bed with one foot on either side of Eren.

"Oi! Get up!" I shifted my weight on one foot and then to the other, shaking the bed.

Eren groaned, "I said five more minutes."

"That was two hours ago. I packed up all your clothes, pillows, and blankets. AND I got this house and everything we don't want, taken care of."

Eren looked up at me, "Thank you."

I sighed and walked away. Eren scurried out of bed and tugged on my shirt.

"What's wrong?"

I turned around and looked up at him. "You need to get shorter."

"No. You just need to get taller, shortie."

I gave him an angry look. "I'm not short, got it?"

"Right, and you got laid once in the last 13 days." He laughed.

I walked up the stairs without another word. He followed. Picked up one of the boxes I filled with clothes and brought it down stairs. Eren did the same.

"Okay okay. I'm sorry. I know I've been an asshole recently."

"It's okay. Moving is stressful. I get it." I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes.

I felt a pressure on my crotch, so I opened my eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Sitting on you since you took up the whole couch."

I closed my eyes and placed one hand on his thigh. "We should go get the U-Haul and then just rest until tomorrow." I rubbed up and down his thigh.

"I think we should have sex." Eren rubbed his body against mine as he said that.

"I think we should talk."


I looked at Eren and then sat up. Eren was staring at me with those beautiful big green eyes. I grabbed Eren's ass through his boxers and smiled.

"I hope you know what you are getting yourself into by living with me."

"I do know."

"Oh really? And what is that exactly?" I kissed his chest as he replied.

"Lonely days with sex filled nights. Dates, smiles, laughs, tears, fights, kisses, food, cuddles, family."

The last one hit me hard. I moved my hands to his back and looked straight at him. "Family?"

"Yes, I'd like to have a family with you." Eren curled a strand of my hair with his finger.

"What do you mean by family?"

"Like a baby. Don't worry I know men can't get pregnant."

'A baby?' I thought to myself.

"You want me to raise a baby with you?"

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