Chapter 46

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"When is the wedding?"

I heard Levi's heart jump and I giggled.

"When do you think it should be?"

I poked his bellybutton and he flinched.

"I don't think the planning will take too long. The things that'll take the longest is probably figuring out the honeymoon and where our wedding will be at. Unless you already figured it out."

"No, I haven't. I haven't thought that far ahead actually."

"Well, I guess tomorrow we can figure it all out. For now lets just sleep."

We gave eachother a good night kiss and fell asleep.

The next morning I laid on his chest and cried again. I was just so happy. While I was crying I felt a hand on my head.

"Hey, hey, baby, what's wrong?" Levi's voice was froggy with sleep.

"I'm just so happy. I'm getting married. I'm getting married to Levi Ackerman. We are going to be a family, Levi." I sobbed uncontrollably. It was crazy.

Levi just laid there quietly, rubbing my back, as I soaked his chest with my tears. I think he fell back asleep but I'm not sure. I slipped out the bed and grabbed a towel. I wiped my tears of Levi, went downstairs, and called Armin.

Armin: Hello?

Me: Hey, Ar, can you add Mikasa to the call, please?

Mikasa: Hey guys. What's going on?

Armin: I'm not sure. Eren just randomly called me. He sounds like he's been crying.

Mikasa: What's wrong, Eren.

Me: I'm getting married.

Armin and Mikasa: What?!

Me: Don't yell in my ear! Levi proposed to me yesterday at dinner. I can't stop crying. I'm like a baby. I'm so happy.

Mikasa: When's the wedding?

Me: Not sure yet. When Levi gets up we are going to start planning.

Armin: I'm so excited.

Me: Mikasa, since I'm technically the bride, you are my maid of honor. And Armin, you'll be my flower girl.

Armin: You're joking right?

We talked for a while before Levi finally walked out of the bedroom, rubbbing his eyes. I said goodbye and hung up.

"Hey Levi?"

"What?" He said as he walked down the stairs.m

"How about May 20th?"

"Why May 20th?"

"I don't know. It just seems nice."

Levi laid his head on my lap as he stretched his body over the rest of the couch.

"I don't see why not. Seeing as the planning will probably be done soon enough."

"Do you know who is going to be your best man and what not?"

"Erwin, Hanji, their twins. The boy will be the ring bearer and the girl will be the flower girl. They are only about a year and a half so it'll be cute and funny. What about you?"

"Armin, Mikasa, I want Jean in it too. Even though we've never gotten along, he's been around me for as long as I can remember. We should start with where it'll be."


"Tus- what?" I looked down at Levi, he pulled out his phone and typed it into google. He showed me his phone and repeated himself.

"Tuscany. The weather there during May is supposedly amazing. Also, it's pretty. Do you like it?"

"Do I like it?" I laughed. "I love it. You are a genius." I leaned over and kissed him.

-----May 10th----

Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Sasha, and Connie were all staying in our house. Levi set up the sleeping arrangements. Sasha and Mikasa shared the guest room while the other three boys slept in the living room. It was good to see everyone again.

For five days I was pulled to and from wedding clothing stores by Armin, Jean, and Mikasa. I'm sure Hanji was tearing Levi apart at this moment. Levi won't tell me where our honeymoon is but ever since the engagement he's been working extra shifts.

On May 15th we got two days to rest. My nerves were really bad. I snapped at Levi a few times over the dumbest things. Levi snapped back the first and second time I did but eventually he ignored me.

"Just calm down, Eren. It's all going to be fine. Erwin and I got everything figured out." He kissed my neck and I sighed.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so nervous."

"I am too.

May 18th

We all got onto a plane and flew to Tuscany, France. It was about an hour and a half flight but it felt like an eternity. Once we landed I was pulled with my group and Levi with his. We waved goodbye and went to our hotels.

When I got to my hotel room, I screamed into a pillow.

"What's wrong, man?" Jean asked when he walked in.

"I'm going to die." I mumbled into the pillow.

"Mikasa?! I think we broke Eren!"

Mikasa came running in. "Get some rest, Eren, you need it."

For the next two days I took extra good care of myself. Eating, cleaning, dancing. You name it.

The morning of the 20th I was treated like a dress up doll. Armin shaved my face and neck with an old fashioned razor and the Jean styled my hair.

"I wonder how Levi looks in dark green." I whispered to myself. We chose dark green as our theme color. So Mikasa wore a long, dark green dress. It suits her. Armin and Jean wore tuxedos with dark green ties.

Once they all finished having a go at my looks and exclaimed "Done." I looked into the mirror. My face was clean and soft, my hair was stylishly messy, and my tuxedo was all white with a dark green undershirt. I was hot.

Everybody started flipping out when they saw the time. The wedding was to start at 2pm. It was 1:45 and the chapel was about 10 minites away. Mikasa rushed everybody out of the hotel room and into the car. My heart was pounding.

I started laughing like a maniac. Everybody looked over at me.

"Eren?" Armin said.

I continued laughing. "I'm insane."

Jean smacked the back of my head and I stopped laughing. "Get your shit together, Jaeger."

"Thanks, Jean."

When we arrived it was 2:00 exactly. We rushed into the chapel and waited outside the door Levi was standing behind. I slipped out of view as the doors opened and Hanji's baby girl threw flowers on the floor. Mikasa and Erwin walked arm in arm down the isle.

Armin and Hanji behind them. Jean smiled at me before following them with his arm interlocked with some girl who I've never seen before.

I was about to walk into view when I felt someone tug on my arm. I turned around and saw him.

My Story of Love (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now