Chapter 18

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Levi slipped down under the covers and took me into his mouth.

I squirmed and he placed his hand on my hips, holding me down. I can feel his warm breath as he exhales. I'm in heaven.

Levi matched the speed he was going with his hand. I grasped the sheets around me and moaned. About a minute later, I finished inside of his mouth. I felt some trinkle down my length and then his tongue lapped it up.

Levi threw the covers off his head, kneeling in between my legs. He was gasping. He looked at me and I smiled.

"I would've continued with just my hand but that would've made a mess." Levi said matter of factly. Levi found my boxers and threw them at me. I slipped them on and rolled onto my side, facing away from the middle of the bed.

I'm going to die from embarrassment. I covered my face with my hands and whined. I felt Levi lay down and wrap his arm around me.

"What's wrong?" Levi asked, rubbing my tummy with his hand.

I groaned again and then mumbled into my hands, "I'm embarrassed."

Levi chuckled and pulled me against him. I am 5 inches taller than my boyfriend and the little spoon. Why? I placed a hand over the hand on my belly and just stroked it with my fingers.

"If anyone should be embarrassed, it should be me. But I don't really feel embarrassed, usually." He whispered

"Usually?" I whispered back

"Yeah." He nuzzled his head behind my neck "I felt it when we were in the shower."

"We were in the shower a long time. When did you feel embarrassed?" Even though I felt like I knew the answer, I wanted to hear it from him.

"When you asked me to stand in front of you. I'm not used to anyone but me seeing me naked. So I was flustered."

I giggled. "I'm honored to be able to give you new emotions."

"Shut up and go to sleep, brat." And with that, we fell asleep.

I felt a pair of lips on my forehead. I kept my eyes closed. Pretending to still be asleep.

"I love you, Eren. I'll be back." Levi's hand touched mine briefly and I snatched it amd pulled him on top of me. He shouted. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed.

"I love you too!" I held on to him for a few more moments and let go. Levi was blushing. He was blushing. He scrambled off of me and patted his work clothes down.

"I-I thought you were asleep."

I looked at him and smiled. "Go to work."

He looked at me for a few minutes, trying to regain his composure. Once his blush went away he stormed out of the door. I couldn't help but laugh. Once Levi drove away, I crawled back in bed, and slept.

I woke up at 11:30 and decided it was about time I called Mikasa.

"Eren?" Mikasa sounded suprised.

"Hey, Mikasa."

"Hey? Are you okay? You haven't talked to me since you arrived in France."

"Yeah. I'm fine. Levi went to work so I decided to call you."

"Why didn't you called me before?"

"I'm sorry, my nerves have been on edge."

"Is he mistreating you? Does he touch you without permission? No, no. Does he touch you at all?"

"My sex life is my business." I said defensively. "Also Levi is the best boyfriend I could ask for. He is respectful and caring."

"Whatever. I've just been worried about you."

I ignored that. "How's your love life?"

Mikasa stayed silent for a few moments, "Well, you know how Jean would come to my house practically every day since Marco's death?"

"Yeah." The thought of Marco upsetted me.

"Well, I've fallen for him."

"You should tell him."

"I don't want to ruin the relationship, but maybe I will." Mikasa and I spoke until 1pm. We talked about memories and just catching up.

I was bored out of my mind. 'Come home already.' I thought as I paced around the house. I wonder what else is in this house. I've only been into the living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. I decided to open every door in this house, starting downstairs.

My Story of Love (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now