Chapter 49

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Levi and I were the first ones out, followed by our photographer, also known as Armin. He pushed us outside and took picture after picture, position after position before we could finally go inside.

The reception was held in a large room just outside of the room we were just in there was one table fit for only two towards the middle of the room and in front of it were about eight round tables that could fit 6 at most. There were dark green napkins on each table accompanied by wine glasses.

People were sitting and talking, the staff was giving appetizers and wine out. Everybody stopped when they saw us walk in. I walked around to each table and greeted everyone, meeting many new people, as Levi did the same.

When we were done Levi gave head nod to the dj as he walked me to the dance floor. When we stepped onto the floor Levi placed a hand on my hip and used the other to grab my hand. I placed on of my hands on his shoulder as the music started.

"When I look into your eyes it's like watching the night sky, or a beautiful sunrise. Well, there's so much they hold. And just like them old stars, I see that you've come so far to be right where you are. How old is your soul?"

We watched each other as we danced and sang.

"Well, I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I'm giving you all my love, I'm still looking up. And when you're needing your space to do some navigating, I'll be here patiently waiting to see what you find. 'Cause even the stars they burn, some even fall to the earth. We've got a lot to learn. God knows we're worth it, No, I won't give up."

When the song was over people cheered, Mikasa and Armin were hugging each other and crying. I kissed Levi and we walked to our seat. I couldn't stop smiling. I looked at Levi when we sat down.

"Shouldn't we say something to them? Like a thank you for coming and what not?"

Levi nodded and stood up. He tapped on his wine glass to get their attention. Everybody stopped their conversation and looked at us. I stood up with Levi as he began to speak.

"We just wanted to give you all a big thank you for coming here and supporting us. We are very thankful, and I believe there were a few people who had a speech or toast." We both looked over at Armin who stood up. We sat down and nodded at him to begin.

"Eren, you are my best friend in the whole wide world. Sometimes I forget you aren't my brother." I laughed. "I'm very happy for you and Levi. May your marriage be loving and full of new experiences. I love you man." I smiled and he sat down.

Mikasa stood up and spoke. "Eren, you are like a brother to me, its just like Armin said, it's hard to believe you aren't my brother. I grew up with you, I was the one who dealt with your drama and your anger issues. It feels good to finally give up that responsibility to someone who I know will do a better job. Take care of him, Levi." She sat down and Levi nodded. We cheered with the audience after there speeches and then Hanji stood up.

"Levi, I hope you stop being a emotionless shell during your time with Eren. Also, please give my lovely children some lovely friends." Levi blushed at that last sentence and I did too. Hanji cackled. "Congratulations."

She sat down and Erwin stood up. "Levi, even though we used to point knives at each other's necks every time we were close enough, we became close. I'm glad I have a new paintballing buddy. Congratulations Mr. And Mr. Ackerman."

We all cheered again and it was finally time for the food. The staff brought it out and placed it on the tables behind us. My stomach grumbled and Levi chuckled. The food smelt amazing. There was steak, ribs, pulled pork, hot dogs, hamburgers, potatoes, corn on the cob, oh my goodness. There was everything.

Levi and I got our food first and sat down. Everyone else got called table by table to pick out their food. One of the staff poured champagne in our glasses and then pointed to us. We looked at each other and it clicked.

Levi and I each picked up and class and then wrapped one of our arms around the others and drank out of our glass. When we put the glasses down I started laughing, Levi joined in. Somebody tapped on their glass a few times.

I looked at Levi, confused and he said, "They want us to kiss. That's what it means."

I smiled and kissed Levi for a solid 30 seconds.

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