Chapter 51

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Levi rolled his eyes and we walked to security. I happily bounced behind Levi. He turned and looked at me. "Do you need to urinate or something?"

"Or something." I smiled. "But I should probably do that."

We got passed security, our flight was in about an hour. I went into the bathroom, did my business, washed my hands and walked back to where I departed from Levi. He wasn't there. I looked around but I couldn't find him, so I just stood there and waited. About 10 minutes later Levi popped out of nowhere.

"Why are lines so long?" He let out an exaggerated sigh. "Here I got you this." I looked at what he was handing me and smiled.

"Ice cream! I feel like I haven't had ice cream in years. Oh, wait. That's because I haven't." I glared at Levi.

"Not my fault I enjoy ice cream too much."

"Doesn't mean you should ban it from our house."

"We've been through this before. It's a temptation. I've worked hard to get my body to look like this." He ran his hand through his hair. "Ick. I hate gel. I'm going to kill Hanji when I see her again."

"It looks good on you. You just messed your hair up, big time." Levi's hair was now unstylishly messy. I fixed his hair as well as I could. "There."

"What did you just do to me?" He looked up as if he could possibly see his hair.

I giggled. "I fixed it."

We sat down and waited. I forced him to hold my hand the whole time. I blew bubble after bubble, Levi sometimes jumping when I popped it. Then our gate opened and we finally boarded the plane, first class baby.

I whispered to Levi, "I've never been in first class before. I call window."

"You're allowed to speak, you know. You don't have to be dead silent, just stop with your bubble blowing." I popped a bubble just as he said that.

"Sorry. 16 hours with no bubble blowing. Did you bring anything fun to do?"

"Sleep." Levi laid his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes.

"No fair." I whispered and then laid my head on his.

We both woke up about 2 hours later when the flight attendant was walking around giving out food, and champagne. Levi got both of us a glass. I looked out the window and drank.

"Let's play a game."

"How about statue?" Levi said.

"How do you play?"

"Whoever stays quiet the longest wins."

"Asshole." I muttered under my breath.

Levi sat there happy with himself. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled slightly as I looked at my ring.

"I saw you cry." I looked at Levi when as I said it. He rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Yes, you did. You should feel special and shut your pie hole."

"I'm married." I smiled.


"W-" I started to say as I turned my head and he gave me a little peck. I smiled again. "You make me so happy."

"I know." He said emotionlessly.

I pulled out my gum from my pocket and got another piece.

"Is gum your new addiction?"

"I've always loved gum." I said as I placed a piece in my mouth. "Want one?" I handed him a piece.

"No." He said as he grabbed it and stuck it in his mouth. "Of course I don't want it."

"Right. Sorry for asking." We sat the whole plane ride sleeping, talking and in silence. It was hell, but Levi made it bearable.

When we landed, Levi and I stood up and stretched. It was the best stretch ever. "You owe me a back massage." I whispered to Levi.

"That's fine, as long as I get one first." He winked and we walked off the plane. My legs were so stiff, I had to stop and do some stretches. Levi stood in front of me and blew a bubble. It popped loudly, making me jump.

"You keep doing that!"

"Doing what?" He was as stoic as ever.

I just whined and stomped away from Levi like a four-year-old. When we got to baggage claim we stood there for 15 minutes before we got all our stuff.

"Uhh.. Levi?"

"Uhh.. yeah?" He mocked.

"How do you plan on getting around places?"

"Everything's walking distance."

"You're joking right?"

He looked at me like I just asked what 2+2 is. "Was it funny?"

"No, not really."

"There's your answer."

My Story of Love (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now