Chapter 57

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I stood in the shower a few minutes before I finally cooled off. I got out and dried myself. When I went into the room and put boxers on, Levi was sitting with his back against the headboard and a book in his hand. I turned off the light, leaving Levi's reading light on.

I felt excitement bubble up into my tummy as I walked over to Levi's side. He didn't even notice since he was so wrapped up in reading. I pulled the blanket off of him and crawled under it. He was now looking at me.

"Keep reading." I said quietly and he did.

I pulled his body down slightly and the laid on his naked belly, wrapping my arms around his waist. Levi placed a hand on my head as he continued reading.

"Do you have any names in mind?" I whispered.

Levi started to play with my hair as he spoke, "I do. You?"

"No, not really. What are yours?"

"Isabel and Farlan." He said with a somewhat sad voice

"Do they mean something to you?" I looked up at him and he closed his book.

"They do." I kissed his tummy again. "They were my friends. We grew up together."

"Where are they now?" I asked curiously.

"They.." he paused and sighed. "They are dead."

I didn't reply. I had no idea what to say. I hugged him tighter.

"I grew up in a really dirty, ghetto area. I only moved into this house when I was 16." He paused briefly. "They were my only friends. Isabel used to call me brother."

I giggled softly.

"We used to get into a lot of trouble together, we were all abandoned by our parents so we took care of each other. One day, we were playing soccer in the street and Farlan kicked the ball pretty far. I ran to go get it and when I went to turn around I heard tires squeal and a thud.
The car stopped briefly but then sped up and disappeared. I ran back as fast as I could. There was so much blood. Isabel and Farlan were laying on the asphalt, surrounded by a puddle their blood.
I didn't know what to do. I yelled for help but it was too late."

Levi sighed again and pushed me away slightly as he turned his light off and laid all the way down. I laid next to him and placed my head on his chest. I drapped one leg over him as he wrapped an arm over me.

"Those sound like perfect names, Levi. I'm sorry you went through that." I lifted my head and kissed his cheek.

Before I could lay my head back down, Levi pulled my head back up and kissed me on the lips passionately. I smiled into the kiss and placed a hand on his side. I laid back down and we both drifted off to sleep.


"Levi!" I heard a girl yell his name eagerly.

I opened my eyes and lifted my head up.

"Hanji?" I said groggily. "What's with all the excitement?"

"It's time for the appointment!" She smiled.

That snapped me out of my sleepiness and I jumped up. I bounced on the bed gently.

"Levi! Wake up!"

Levi sat up quickly.

"Holy fuck! What is your problem?!" He yelled.

I was taken aback but Hanji didn't seem the slightest bit fazed.

"Its time for you to shoot your sperm in a cup and for them to steal an egg, fertilize it and then place it back in me."

"Oh shit." Levi rubbed his eyes and jumped out of bed and into the bathroom.

"Can I go?" I asked quietly.

"If you want to be stuck in a waiting room for a few hours, sure." Hanji said softly.

I whined and Levi came back into the room and got dressed. Hanji left the room and I walked up behind Levi.

"Think about me while you touch yourself." I whispered into his ear and then bit his neck. His breath hitched slightly.

"Your breath stinks."

I blushed and covered my mouth. "You're so mean."

Levi smiled and slapped my ass. "That's what you get for trying to seduce me."

My Story of Love (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now