S2 - 8. [Escape]

133 11 1

He spun, throwing a kick at one of the assailants and using that momentum, punched the other. They weren't down for the count, his body wasn't trained enough for that.

But it did sent them backwards, giving him a few seconds to glance around for a weapon. He spotted two possible items of offense. A small handgun and a metal pipe.

The gun would be more effective, but he didn't know how to use it correctly nor did he know if it was loaded. The pipe was a bit of a further reach, but it had obviously been snapped off of something, the edges were sharp and rigid.

A good, dependable tool from what he could see.

He swerved underneath one of them, sending a rough kick upwards at their abdomen. The cough of air being forced out brought him a sick sense of satisfaction.

Idily, he wondered what it would take for them to never get back up. A dark thought that he previously would've gave a 'what the fuck?' at but now he didn't give it a second thought, simply letting those dark fantasies run wild.

A 'clack' sounded as he reached for the pipe. He turned, with it in his grasp, and found that one of the assailants, the one with the pointed ears, had retrieved a gun from the floor.



Now this is typically where the protagonist unlocks some cool move or superpower to avoid the bullet. Katsuki, however, was not that kind of protagonist. He got no such moment, to his disappointment. 」

His body jerked as the bullet hit him, and while it did play in slow motion, he received no ability to move any faster through said slow motion timing.

"Fuck!" He cursed.

It wasn't going to kill him. Nothing would, but it did hurt nevertheless.

"You bitch" Katsuki raucously let out as his eyes narrowed. He took his metal pipe and ran, lifting it and bashing it down on the closest's head.

The sight of blood wasn't something he'd been particularly fond of, but it now sent pleasurable shivers down his spine.

"I'll kill you!" The one he hadn't yet hit growled, breaking their previous vow of silence. Katsuki felt proud to have made such an accomplishment happen.

Though... He hadn't expected such a light, fruity voice. All body language pointed oppositely of the voice he'd just heard. Oh well, they were going to go down just like the other.

Katsuki dodeged a punch, the yellow glow around the fist told him that it would be futile to try and block it. Hey, that was a pretty yellow, though. He'd have to show his father to put it into a design. If only he could take a photo to colour swatch from...

He swept a leg under theirs, putting as much force as he could to remain balanced should the movement be useless. However, it did work, and while no, it didn't go as well as he had imagined it, they were knocked off balance.

That gave him just enough time to ran the jagged too of the pipe deep into their stomach.

It was faster for a protagonist to get the antagonist in the chest, they'd go down just as fast, but be out faster. Unfortunately, he didn't have the arm strength to get through their ribs with such a blunt force weapon, nor was he the typical overpowered protagonist. A blade would work better. He should invest in one or two if he were to track and shut down these 'buisness' types.

They staggered back, pitifully gripping the pipe. He watched as they pulled it out and couldn't contain a laugh. They'd just ruined their own chances at survival.

What an idiot.

The other would survive, only being knocked out from the blow, but this idiot just up and ended their chances at reuniting with the other.

Katsuki cackled, bending and snatching the pipe back. "How's it feel to get your ass beaten by a fifteen year old?"

He received a pained hiss as they tried to kick him. He simply stepped aside and began walking away. Katsuki then paused for a moment before quickly turning back and grabbing the gun. He could learn how to use it and there were plenty of places that held ammunition. Not this kind of gun, since it was reserved for the police and military, but it was a definite trophy even if he couldn't get ammunition for it.

Either way, proper conduct and basic use would have to be learnt first. It was a simple trophy for now.

Word Count: 777

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