S2 - 4. [It's Over]

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As Katsuki crept cautiously through the dimly lit corridor, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger, he suddenly heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps approaching from behind. Instinctively, he pressed himself against the wall, his heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to face whatever threat lurked in the shadows.

Moments later, a figure emerged from the darkness: one of the scientists, his eyes alight with a predatory gleam as he spotted Katsuki standing before him.

"Well, well, well" The scientist sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "Looks like our little runaway didn't get very far, did he?"

With a surge of adrenaline, Katsuki lunged forward, his fists raised in a futile attempt to fend off his captor. But the scientist was prepared, sidestepping Katsuki's attack with ease and delivering a swift blow to his midsection that sent him reeling.

Gasping for breath, Katsuki fought to regain his footing, his mind racing as he searched desperately for a means of escape. But before he could make another move, another scientist was upon him, pinning him to the ground with a vice-like grip.

"Nice try" The scientist growled, his breath hot against Katsuki's ear. "But you're not getting away that easily"

With a triumphant smirk, the scientists dragged Katsuki back the way he had come, his steps echoing ominously in the empty corridor. Despite Katsuki's struggles and protests, he was powerless to resist as he was once again swallowed up by the darkness of his captivity.

As he was dragged back into the heart of the laboratory, Katsuki felt the sinking sense of defeat wash over him. No matter how hard he had fought, he was once again ensnared in the clutches of his captors, his fleeting taste of freedom slipping through his fingers like sand.

The scientists, grip unrelenting, hauled Katsuki into a sterile examination room, where the cold, metal table awaited him like a sacrificial altar. With a rough shove, Katsuki was forced onto the table, his limbs once again restrained in unforgiving shackles.

"You should have known better than to try and escape," One of the scientists sneered, her voice dripping with contempt as she secured the restraints with a cruel efficiency.

Katsuki seethed with anger and frustration, his mind racing with thoughts of revenge and defiance. But deep down, he knew that resistance was futile.

「At least for now.」

As the scientists turned to leave, Katsuki's eyes burned with determination, a silent vow echoing in the depths of his soul. He may have been captured once again, but he refused to be broken. He would bide his time, wait for the perfect moment to strike back, and reclaim his freedom with a vengeance.

But for now, all he could do was endure the pain, the fear, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead. And as the door slammed shut behind the retreating scientist, Katsuki closed his eyes, steeling himself for the trials that awaited him in the darkness.

Katsuki found himself once again trapped in a dimly lit chamber, the air heavy with the scent of antiseptic and fear. The sound of footsteps echoed ominously in the corridors beyond, a constant reminder of the ever-present danger that lurked just out of sight.

With each passing moment, Katsuki's sense of unease grew, like a predator stalking its prey. He knew that he was running out of time, that his captors would stop at nothing to break him and bend him to their will.

But Katsuki refused to surrender to despair. With every fiber of his being, he clung to the flicker of hope that burned within him, a defiant spark of defiance against the darkness that threatened to consume him.

As the tension in the room reached a fever pitch, Katsuki braced himself for the inevitable pain that lay ahead. He knew that he would have to fight with every ounce of strength and cunning he possessed if he hoped to emerge victorious.

But deep down, he also knew that the stakes had never been higher, that the choices he made in the coming moments would determine the course of his destiny.

His fifth escape attempt was a failure.

With a steely resolve, Katsuki squared his shoulders and prepared to face whatever horrors awaited him. For he was no longer just a victim; he was a survivor, a warrior, and he would stop at nothing to reclaim his freedom, no matter what.

When the group of scientists returned with a cart, that steely resolve crumbled. A massive handsaw sat on the cart, the metal teeth promising a dreadful feeling.

Not to mention, it looked like it was going to be a slow death this time

Katsuki jerked in his new restraints, they were metal and much tougher than the leather they'd previously been keeping him in.

He just wanted this to end. Please, please, please.

Word Count: 821

(Currently writing S4 ep 4)

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