S1 - 6. [Yuuei Cont.]

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AnayahsBoba I'm sorry for posting at 2am again ):

His classroom never felt so far and even though his mother was there leading him at a regular pace, it felt like he was walking for an eternity.

"Wanna take a break, baby?" She asked him and despite wanting to, he realized that they really weren't as far as he'd originally thought.

"Nah" He decided on saying. He could sit at his desk when they got there.

She gave a look akin to disbelief but nodded nonetheless. "If you say so"

His sneakers occasionally caught on the tiled floors. These meds made his body weird, but at least the pain was muted.

The classroom door stood before them within a minute. His mother pulled it open for him, stepping in first to lead him in.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima cheered. "You're back!"

Katsuki shrugged, letting go of his mother's hand to sit at his seat. He sat sideways, they wouldn't be staying in the room long.

"Yeah" He mumbled.

The knowledge that they wouldn't be told right away was killing him. He'd talked with his parents on the way to the school and decided that his teacher could break it to the class after he left.

It wasn't like they could do anything, quirks couldn't help him now, fancy or not. He'd never heard of one that could work like that.

"Kacchan? Are you okay? What happened?"

"Nothing important, 'Zawa's gonna tell you extras later. I'm gonna be out for a while"

A long while. A very long while. But they didn't need to know that yet. He needed to let his final moments with them light and normal. He didn't want to leave them after breaking the news. He had to leave before they were told.

There was nothing they could do after all.

"Bakugou" He looked up to see Jirou. "I can... I can hear your mom from here. Is it- Is that true?"

Ah, so his plan didn't work. "Nothing you can do. I'm not gonna waste my fuckin' time here"

Confused faces looked between them, trying to decipher the conversation. She looked sad, eyes watering.

"Can I have a hug?" She asked. He stood, giving himself a few seconds to stabilize himself before he held open his arms.

"First and last. I'm open for any one of you dumbasses"

He was going to miss them, he really was. His class of idiots with no self preservation, aside from Iida.

Jirou, having been closest at that moment, grabbed him, pulling him into a tight hug.

"That's not fair" Katsuki was told. Her words were choked up and he could tell that she was trying to contain her emotions in front of the oblivious class.

'Nothing is'. He wanted to tell her. 'Because everything was out of their hands'. Katsuki kept quiet, however. He let her pull away and be replaced one by one of those who wanted to give him some hug.

Life wasn't fair, this had proved that.

So when Midoriya came close enough, Katsuki moved first to grab the boy. "Sorry about everything. If you don't surpass All Might, I'll never forgive you"

At his words, Jirou finally cried. She hid her face in her shirt as her shoulders shook. Eyes darted to her, attention turning to see what the problem was.

Some had figured out that it had to do with him and that he was leaving by the way he was acting. If only they knew.

Katsuki's mother reentered the room with Aizawa within the next few minutes. He'd gone through everyone that needed or wanted contact with him. Midoriya seemed to begin to figure things out, though there weren't many details to piece together.

"Let's go now. Masaru has the car ready" She announced. He nodded and stood.

He was proud of himself, he only almost tripled once on the way across the classroom. His teacher had a burdened, sad look so he reached out and hugged the man.

The action seemed to further hit the news into place and the man uncharacteristically returned the action with high emotions.

"We're gonna miss you, problem child"

Katsuki didn't respond, he couldn't. Settling with a court nod, he let his mother take him out. As they walked back through the halls Katsuki felt a few tears of his own roll down his cheeks.

His mother simply reached over and wiped them away. "I know, baby, this's hard"

"I jus' wanna be a hero" Katsuki cried. She pulled him close as they stood in the silent empty hallway.

"You are one. You're my hero" She told him. He found her words being more comforting than anything else. Though they might've been unrealistic and exaggerated by anyone else, his mother was beautifully blunt. She always said what she meant.

He believed her.

Word Count: 797

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