S1 - 2. [A Mother Knows Best]

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His head hurt, the world felt like it was shifting underneath his seat. Everything was far too bright.

"Bakugou?" Called a voice. It sounded so loud, yet so far away. It was so strange.

"Kacchan?" He really couldn't stand it, the throbbing pain. It was torture. He should've gone to the doctor.

Yet he hadn't.

It was a decision that he'd taken too late. He had to get through the day, then he could have his mother take him.

Then he could get help.

Everything just hurt. There was no explanation he could use to measure it, it surpassed what words could describe.

A hand tapped his shoulder and he shifted, trying to look over at who had touched him. Katsuki couldn't seem to move, however. He barely managed to tilt his head before the room's swirling increased tenfold.

"Bakugou? You alright man?"

Katsuki tried to nod, to affirm that he was fine, that he was normal, that this pain was temporary.

Barely managing out a low whine, he felt like the floor was swaying underneath his seat. Someone said something else but he didn't register it. It sounded like Aizawa.

Katsuki found himself being gently pulled out of his seat and into a standing position. He caught the words 'recovery girl' and 'worse'.

Everything was spinning, the world felt unsteady and shifty beneath his feet. The feeling got steadily worse with each passing second.

He didn't realize he had passed out until he woke up in the infirmary. Recovery Girl was sitting across the room, pointedly telling another student something. He could figure out what words were coming from her and he didn't care to try and exert himself.

The pain in his head had extended, the throbbing running through his body as it pumped through his head, traveling downwards as it went. He lifted his hands to stare at then as they shook. He felt weak, as if his body was made of jello.

He had to go back to class, though. He'd come all this way, there was no point in leaving now. Not after all the pain he'd dealt with getting here.

Shifting, Katsuki tried to withstand the pain enough to figure out how to stand. That was his priority.

He managed to escape the light blanket that covered him and stood up. The floor sseemedto move beneath him and he had to hold onto the bed. His shoes... Where were his shoes?

It was so bright. So, so bright. The floor felt like it was swallowing him, pulling him to it. The only way he knew he was still standing was from how he held the bed, using his trembling arms to prop himself upright.

"Katsuki Bakugou! You better not be getting out of that bed" He winced at the sudden noise, a pained noise being admitted from him.

"Gotta go to class" He slurred out, trying to step away from the bed. When he stumbled, she grabbed him.

"Sit your butt right back down, I called your mother. She's on her way"

He reluctantly let himself be guided back up onto the mattress. "'M gonna miss class"

"Your health matters more than your education" She told him. He shook his head, immediately regretting the action when his vision flickered.

"Gotta... Gotta go to class. I can't miss trainin'" He tried to reason. "Jus' gotta... Jus'... I gotta..."

It hurt. It hurt. It hurt. It hurt. It hurt.

The world was spinning, it was rocking him and twisting his reality into a merging image of ever-moving colours.

"Katsuki?" He couldn't think, he couldn't open his eyes to face the lights, he couldn't register the noise, he couldn't understand what was going on. Why was this happening?

"Hey baby, I'm here. We're going to the doctor now, okay?" Oh, it was his mother. She pressed cool fingers on top of his forehead and he sighed. It felt good, cooling off a heat he hadn't realized was there.

There were murmured words between what he could assume was his mother and Recovery Girl. He didn't try and decipher it.

He was pulled into his mother's hold as footsteps receded. "I hate this" He whispered to her.

"I know, baby. It'll be okay, I'm right here"

Katsuki hated the pressure building up in his head, pulsing and throbbing as it took over his body. He pushed himself further into her grip.

Her caramel smell from the nitroglycerin they both shared radiated around him, mixing with her strong, ever present scent of coffee.

She held him just as tightly, humming a tune that followed one of the songs she played while cleaning the house with him.

"Mom?" Katsuki asked. "What's wrong with me?"

She didn't respond, but he could feel the change in her breathing, the hitches and pauses that often accompanied holding back tears.

Word Count: 810

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