S1 - 1. [It hurts]

581 28 9

Idea stolen (with permission) from BakuB0tt0mReligion

Katsuki sat on his bed, dressed in his uniform. Instead of leaving for school like he always did to arrive early, he sat there. All of the lights off bar his soft lamp on the desk.

With his eyelids screwed shut and his hands pressing at his eye sockets, he tried to withstand the hurt that pulsed through his skull, bouncing around and causing his eyes to tear up.

It hurt so bad.

He didn't know what to do. It would be weak to skip school for a headache, but this wasn't a headache; nor was it a migraine, however. This pain transcended all categories, wavering in and out of his mind.

It had been sudden, like in the movies where the true boss would make their great appearance in the middle of a fight.

When his clock ticked, he could hear it, he could hear his mother's footsteps downstairs, his father's car pulling out of the driveway.

Everything was too loud, bright, too... everything.

"Katsuki! You're going to be late! Get your ass downstairs!" His mother called. He almost cried at the noise. It hurt to bad.

He stood, however, and grabbed his bag. It wasn't easy to walk with this pain pulsing through his head, but he made it to his door, fumbling to open it with a shaking hand.

"Katsu-!" She cut herself off when he appeared, stumbling into the foyer with his palm to his temple. "You alright?"

""M fine" He mumbled out. "Gotta go to school"

She stepped in the way, however. "I don't think you should go. Should I take you to the doctor? This is the third time this week. And don't pull anything, I'm not taking a bullshit answer this time"

"I'm fine" He hissed. "I don't need the shitty doctor. 'S just a headache"

She looked unconvinced, but he pushed past her, pulling on his shoes and pulled open the door.

As he left, he heard her call a reply. "If this happens again, I'm taking you to the doctor, whether you want to or not!"

Katsuki flapped a hand dismissively and continued on his trek to school. He should've taken something to help with the pain, he realized.

His shoes hitting the pavement sent his body into overdrive. The sound, the feeling, the bright sight of the outdoors. He let out a quiet, pained moan. It hurt. It hurt. It hurt.

"I don't need a shitty doctor. It's jus' a headache" He whispered to himself. He'd been having them for years, they were getting worse, though. What was he supposed to do? Going to the doctor had crossed his mind many times, but what could they do? Tell him what he already knew? There was no point in paying for an appointment that was a waste of time.

It was just a headache. An on and off headache that would stay for hours before disappearing, only to come back a few hours later with just as much force.

"'M fine" He told the air. "'I's jus' a headache"

Katsuki entered the school with waves of pain overtaking his body. He wavered as he walked through the halls, stumbling every few steps.

He dropped his hand from his head when he reached his class, really wishing that this pain would stop. His classmates were loud, he could hear then through the door.

Pulling open the door, Katsuki frowned. Eyes all looked to him.

"Yo Bakugou! You're almost late!" Someone exclaimed. He couldn't determine who his vision dancing between blurry and spotty. The voice didn't register, simply becoming intertwined with all other noise. The sound was indeterminable, he couldn't place it to a person.

Katsuki slid into his seat, unknowingly letting out a quiet whine as the noise made the pain worse. He should've stayed at home. Maybe he should go to the doctor.

Tomorrow. If he had this tomorrow, he'd let his mother take him.

He buried his aching head in his arms, trying to block out the sensory input around him.

This fucking sucked.

Word count: 711

I know you had yours as a quirkless au, but I'mna ignore that and keep them. It's easier for me. (:

Also... Hah yet another series

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