S2 - 9. [Escape Cont.]

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Katsuki stepped away, walking through the building. It had been evacuated when he triggered the fire alarm, but obviously, they thought that the two that were left behind would make sure nothing happened in case it was an unauthorized personnel.

Which he was.

His gait slowly leveled up to a run, first morphing into a half-jog, then an actual jogging pace, and finally to a run. As he went, Katsuki kept his focus on finding any computers.


Katsuki gripped a doorway, swinging himself into the room. Along one of the walls, an array of computers sat. Consequently, a flashdrives were plugged into many of said computers.

He wasn't the best hacker, or even a tech-expert, but he did know how to transfer files over to a flashdrive.

Thankfully, the computers hadn't been wiped. Obviously some dumbass didn't do their job right and wipe everything clean before they left. It was still open too, so he didn't need to input a password he didn't know.

Drag and drop, drag and drop, drag and drop.

Katsuki opened the files before he shoved them into the flashdrive, why bother wasting space with unnecessary files.

He collected 'patient' files, descriptions of the 'treatments', and any general information files that could help him later.

Shouts met his ears and he jumped. The building should've been cleared out! It had been half of an hour ago.

As soon as whatever was downloading finished, Katsuki ejected the USB and, with heavy hesitation, wiped the computers.

Unlike every protagonist ever, he wasn't an idiot. He'd watched enough shows to know that if everything went by both those types of plots and thought processes, his actions would be discovered if he let it out that the computers hadn't been wiped clean. Factory reset, basically. 」

With the flashdrive quickly being shoved into his mouth, Katsuki bolted out if the room. He knew the most basic, bare minimum principles of not keeping electronics wet, but in this situation, the USB wasn't plugged in and he could still make due without it.

He held the metal pipe in one hand, keeping a sturdy grip, and hand the gun in the other. He kept far from both the trigger and the muzzle, which he kept pointed down and away from him.

Katsuki wasn't an idiot.

It then dawned on him, the pain from the bullet wound hadn't been there long. Sneaking a glance down, he noted with surprise that the wound was gone, barely a scar there if anything at all. His clothes however still bore evidence, the crimson stain around the ripped fabric told the story that would seem like a lie otherwise.

He was headed to the stairs, being to high to willingly risk jumping. He knew where the stairwell was, having seen it earlier.

Once again, calls and shouts had him panicking. They were coming up the stairs. He quickly switched parts, darting into the closest room.

He punched through the window with the blood-tipped pipe. The pane shattered, spraying not just outward, but inward as he pulled his arm back.

Glass stuck to the skin on his knuckles and forearm and while he could feel the burning pain, he didn't bother doing anything about it. It would be gone soon anyways. The fall down from the window wasn't too far, but if Katsuki wasn't careful, he would, at the very least, fracture something.

He could just lighten the landing with a small explosion. That would probably hurt too seeing that he wasn't wearing anything aside of the hospital gown, boxers, and occasional bandages. Yet... A few burns could be easily fixed and treated compared to the option of breaking a bone or two.

Transferring the pipe so that it was underneath his armpit instead of covering his palm, he got up on the ledge. He wondered where the glass would go once he healed. Would it be absorbed? Or perhaps pushed out? He'd have to observe that.

Katsuki jumped, positioning himself for the best possible landing should his quirk work as intended. It would have to be a small blast, therefore he'd still hit the cement below hard.

Better than nothing.

When he was close enough, Katsuki extended a palm and let out a minor explosion. Only... He tried to. He quirk wasn't there. It was gone.

He couldn't sweat on command, he didn't retain the caramel aura that he always shared with his mother. It was gone. He hadn't realized it earlier in his bout of physical violence but all signs pointed to the trait being utterly gone.


Something definitely shattered, yet the barely contained cry he let out blended in with his pursuers' yells. The gun surprisingly remained on his grip, thankfully not going off.

Katsuki forced himself to stand back up, noting, with some odd enjoyment, that he was covered in blood. His own blood. He went and grabbed the pipe from where it had landed and began walking.

The pier he was located on was unhelpful at most. He was still in Japan though, if the language on any signs gave a hint. Just as he reached the edge of the docks, a loud 'bang!' ran through the air.

It wasn't registered at first, the additional blood, the way his body jerked like before, the stumbling step that pushed him to the ledge of the wooden deck.

He'd been shot. Again. What a pain.

Oh. Could he drown to death? If he could, it would all be in vain.

His body remained standing, however, even with the bullet lodged on his figure. It was in his shoulder blade if his ability to pinpoint pain was on point.


This time, he went over the edge. His energy was spent, his ability to react and escape gone. His adrenaline had fizzled out, peaking long ago. The momentary sense of freedom made his body let the hormone go.

He really hoped that everything he had in his possession would be ruined by water.

Word Count: 1006 (oops)

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