S3 - 4. [Scrubs]

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When Katsuki emerged from the hidden chamber, his mind was focused solely on the task at hand: eliminating any potential witnesses to his infiltration of the building. With swift and silent movements, he swept through the corridors, dispatching guards and staff with lethal efficiency.

Each encounter was a blur of motion as Katsuki moved with the precision of a trained assassin, leaving no room for error or hesitation. Bodies crumpled to the ground in his wake, their lifeless forms a grim testament to the price of doing business with his enemies.

He moved with purpose, his senses on high alert for any signs of resistance or retaliation. But despite the chaos of his mission, Katsuki remained focused on his objective, determined to leave no survivors who could trace his involvement back to Department K's downfall.

With each passing moment, the building fell further and further into silence, the only sound the echo of Katsuki's footsteps as he moved through the shadows. But as he reached the final corridor, a sense of unease crept into his mind.

Had he become the very thing he had sworn to destroy? It was a question he pushed aside, his thoughts hardening as he pressed forward. The road ahead would be long and fraught with peril, that was just a given.

Why bother worrying about these things right now? He could always think about it when he was done. When it was too late. When he could relax and be swallowed by his own sins.

As Katsuki emerged from the building, his gaze fell upon the structure looming before him, bathed in the eerie glow of the moonlight.

With a grim determination, Katsuki reached into his utility belt and withdrew a small canister of accelerant. He knew what needed to be done to ensure that his dark secrets remained buried forever.

With a flick of his wrist, Katsuki hurled the canister towards the building, the container shattering on impact and releasing a torrent of flammable liquid. He watched as the flames erupted, licking hungrily at the walls, drapes, and expensive paintings; engulfing the structure in a raging inferno.

The roar of the flames echoed through the night, a symphony of destruction that signaled the end of an era. As the fire spread, consuming everything in its path, Katsuki stood bathed in its glow, his expression unreadable behind his mask.

For a moment, he allowed himself to feel a flicker of satisfaction, a sense of closure in knowing that Department K's reign of terror would come to an end. But as the flames consumed the building, a wave of uncertainty washed over him.

Aizawa wouldn't approve of this, would he? All Might definitely wouldn't, but he, if he had to admit it, missed his homeroom teacher. He missed pro hero Eraserhead.

With one last glance over his shoulder, Katsuki disappeared into the night with the flames of his vengeance burning bright behind him.  The building lay in a hellscape of fire, a stark reminder of the havoc he had wrought in his quest for revenge. But for Katsuki, the mission was far from over. Department K would pay for their crimes, and he would see to it personally.

Despite the uncertainty gnawing at his conscience, he pushed forward, his mission unyielding even in the face of doubt.

With each step, he retraced his path through the maze of alleys and streets, his mind racing with thoughts of his former mentors. Aizawa, the no-nonsense hero whose teachings had shaped him into the formidable force he was today. All Might, the symbol of peace whose unwavering belief in him had fueled his drive to become a hero.

But as he thought of them, a pang of guilt tugged at his heart. Had he strayed too far from the path they had set him on? Had he become the very thing he had sworn to fight against?

The questions swirled in his mind like a whirlpool, threatening to drag him down into the depths of despair. But Katsuki refused to succumb to doubt. He had made his choice, and he would see it through to the end, no matter the cost.

As he disappeared into the shadows, the flames of his vengeance burning bright behind him, Katsuki knew that nothing would stand in his way.

He would make sure of that.

Word Count: 726

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