S1 - 8. [A Splash of Fun]

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If he had to name something he loved most, he'd always say his mother. Katsuki treasured her the most. She was he one true love, his support, his number one fan. She was everything to him. So he trusted her.

To a degree.

"It's not that bad, I'm doing it too"

Katsuki kept his feet firmly planted on the platform. "There's a reason why no one else is here. It's a fucking death trap"

"Come on baby, don't be a chicken like Masaru"

A distinct 'Hey!' came from behind him where his father sat on the safe, sturdy ground. Katsuki peered over the ledge, then up to his mother's face.

"Fine" He mumbled. "I'm going first. Doesn't really matter if I die"

Her face twisted, eyes softening. "It matters to me"

He couldn't bring himself to respond. It really didn't matter. He was going to die anyways, he was given a timeline. It wasn't long.

Instead of finding a way to return her words, he smiled. Without another sound, he dove off the ledge. The wetsuit on his body would keep him warm enough in the water, but it was a long fall down.

The water came fast, he didn't have the time to properly enjoy the exhilaration of the fall. With a 'splash', he landed.

The water was cool, not enough to be called cold, but not warm enough to be anything else.

It was a dark, deep, and blue vortex. He was weightless as he slowly rose to the top. Bubbles rained back to the surface all around him, becoming the only thing he could see as he opened his eyes.

The inky dark of the waters didn't scare him as much as it might've. Even before his life was already at the end, he would've felt the same.

It was comforting, the darkness swallowing him whole as he swam up to the sunlit surface. He loved swimming, it was weightless, freeing, and comforting. Everything he needed.

When he reached the surface, he took a much needed breath. "Go ahead!" He shouted to his mother. Katsuki began swimming away from where he'd landed, giving her room to jump. She did so and he watched.

She was so pretty, her hair whipping around as she fell. He couldn't help but compare her to an angel coming down to him. His father really did luck out.

But she was so model, of course she'd be pretty. That was obvious to anyone.

She wasn't just that, though. She wasn't just Mitsuki Bakugou, the famous model and fashion designer. She was home, she was his mother. Famous model or not, she was perfect to him.

Even if she were homeless and unkept, she'd still be perfect to him. Nothing less, but everything more.

Water sprayed him when she reached the water, breaching it to sink down. Bubbles fizzled out as they traveled back up and she soon reappeared.

She had her own wetsuit, it wasn't warm enough for regular swimsuits. His was a typical dark black, but she wore a beautiful crimson that matched her eyes.

"See?" She said as she swam leisurely on her back, facing the partly cloudy skies. "It's not so bad"

"See?" He echoed mockingly. "I- We didn't die"

She tilted her head to study him and Katsuki looked away. "Katsuki, I'll recruit your father to fight god for you. We'll kick ass and guess what? All of us will be immortal"

"Really? Fight god? With what? Neither of your quirks are good for battle. Though if you saved up his acid and lit up your nitroglycerin..."

"Nerd!" Katsuki immediately flushed. He had just been mumbling like Midoriya! Instead of letting himself wallow in embarrassment, he dove down into the water, going deeper and deeper until the hot blush dissipated.

The water was nearly a complete void. Without the sunlight at the surface, he would've been completely lost in it.

With his lungs beginning to burn, he headed back up. With a gasp of air, he returned above the surface. His mother was nowhere to be seen.

Where was she? Had something happened? Was she okay? "Mom?"

Nothing answered and he felt a creeping fear begin to settle in. What happened? Where was she? He couldn't be without her. "Mom?" He repeated.

Where was she?

Then he run something fun up his leg. Katsuki yelped kicking at whatever it was. Where was his mother? What had just touched him? We're there man eating fish in these waters?

She then surfaced, taking in deep breaths. Katsuki nearly hit her when he realized that she'd been messing with him.

"What the fuck! I thought you got eaten or something!"

She laughed. "Sorry baby" Despite her words, her proud smile remained. Katsuki pouted, lips pursing as he childishly glared at her.

She only laughed harder, eyes squeezing shut as she lost herself in her own entertainment.

How annoying, he couldn't help but think. Regardless, a smile of its own rested itself into his lips.

Word Count: 836

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