S3 - 1. [Old Friends]

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As time rolled on, Katsuki had taken up the career of a vigilante. His parents hadn't been opposed, but they had expressed concerns about the dangers.

Katsuki didn't tell them, but he wasn't really a vigilante full-time; he only occasionally went out to keep his image visible. He couldn't let his parents find out what he was really doing.

Being a part-time mercenary was an interesting resume addition. It had been a lucky find through his connections. It ended up being a good thing that he'd stayed in touch with his middle school lackeys.

Teskai had dropped out along with a few others and wiggled his way into the underground. Convenient.

Thankfully Katsuki kept in touch, plus whispers of Jiang Cheng's death were going around. From the underworld's point of view, this new mercenary definitely had something to do with it.

Which he did, of course.

In the dimly lit room of his "hideout", an attic space, Katsuki meticulously laid out the pieces of his outfit.

With a repetitive ease, he fastened the red and black suit, each movement calculated and deliberate. The fabric clung to his form, leaving no skin visible, a stark contrast to his usual hero attire.

As he slipped on the mask, obscuring his face behind the iconic red and black visage, a sense of liberation washed over him. Gone was the burden of his past, replaced by the ruthless determination of a man on a mission. Adjusting the straps, he ensured a snug fit, his eyes gleaming with an intensity that spoke of his unwavering determination.

With a final glance in the mirror, Katsuki nodded to himself, the reflection of Deadpool staring back at him. He wasn't just Katsuki anymore; he was a force to be reckoned with, a symbol of vengeance and justice intertwined.

This outfit... He'd gotten it from his mother. It wasn't intended for this originally, simply a distraction from his impending death at the time.

It had a purpose now.

As Katsuki emerged from the attic's window, he couldn't help but sigh.

Being Deadpool was a blessing. It was a perfect revenge, a way to stay in the loop. A way to keep an eye on everything and have ears everywhere.

Making his way through the labyrinth of streets to a predetermined meeting spot, he let himself relax. Teskai was a valuable contact, one who had proven himself resourceful in the cutthroat world of underground contracts.

「Even if the teen forced him to do those cliche meet ups every once in a while.」

With a swagger in his step and an unseen smirk playing on his lips, Katsuki approached the designated alley where Teskai had arranged to meet. The air was thick with the usual city smog as he spotted the figure waiting in the shadows, a silhouette against the backdrop of flickering neon lights.

"Teskai" Katsuki called out, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "What do you have for me this time?"

Teskai stepped forward, his features obscured by the darkness of the alley. "Deadpool" He greeted, his tone betraying none of the fond familiarity that rested between them. There were eyes and ears everywhere, after all. "High-profile target, heavily guarded, but confirmed to have some connections"

Katsuki's grin widened beneath his mask. "Sounds like my kind of job. I'll take care of the trash"

As they exchanged details and went over the client's terms, Katsuki couldn't help but feel a thrill coursing through his veins. This was what he lived for, the thrill of the hunt, the rush of adrenaline as he faced down impossible odds. With Teskai's intel guiding him, there was no doubt in his mind that this would be another successful mission.

With the contract secured and the promise of payment hanging in the air, Katsuki nodded to Teskai, a silent acknowledgment of their partnership. "I'll see 'ya later" He said, before disappearing into the night, his steps echoing against the concrete as he went back to his 'hideout' to make a proper plan for his next mission.

Word Count: 680

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