S2 - 2. [Destiny]

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Wattpad is taking down shit that doesn't violate the guidelines so y'all get a second chapter. Enjoy

As the sterile lights hummed overhead, casting harsh shadows against the cold, metallic walls of the laboratory, Katsuki lay restrained on the operating table, his heart pounding in his chest. The restraints bit into his wrists, a cruel reminder of his helplessness. They'd tightened them after his last attempt to escape.

One of the scientists, approached, her expression unreadable behind her thick glasses. She held a syringe filled with a clear liquid, the concoction they'd be testing today.

"We're ready to begin," She announced, her voice devoid of emotion.

Katsuki's eyes darted around the room, searching desperately for any sign of mercy or empathy, but found none. He knew what was coming next – the agonizing pain, the suffocating darkness, and the icy grip of death.

As the liquid was injected into Katsuki's arm, a wave of dizziness washed over him, followed by a searing pain that tore through his body like fire. He gasped for air, each breath coming harder than the last, as his vision blurred and the world began to fade.

In those final moments, as Katsuki felt himself slipping away, he clung to a glimmer of hope: the promise of revival, the chance to defy death once again. But as darkness engulfed him, he couldn't shake the haunting realization that even if he did revive, he'd be forced to die again. An endless loop.

And then, in the silence that followed, Katsuki's heart stilled, his body going limp on the table as death claimed him once more.

Time seemed to stand still in the sterile laboratory as his lifeless body lay on the cold metal table, surrounded by the hushed whispers of the scientists who had gathered to witness the experiment.

Suddenly, a faint flicker of movement caught their attention. Katsuki's fingers twitched, his chest rising and falling ever so slightly as if struggling to draw in a breath.

Then, with a gasp that echoed through the room, his eyes snapped open, wide with disbelief and confusion. For a moment, Katsuki lay there, disoriented and disbelieving, as his senses slowly came back to life. He felt the cool touch of the metal table beneath him, the sharp sting of the restraints digging into his skin, and the faint hum of the fluorescent lights overhead.

As he struggled to sit up, to move his aching body, a rush of memories flooded back – the excruciating pain, the suffocating darkness, and the chilling certainty of death. But here he was, miraculously alive once again, defying all logic and reason.

The scientists watched in astonishment as Katsuki looked around, his gaze darting around the room in search of answers. But there were no answers to be found, only the unnerving knowledge that he had become a living paradox – a creature caught between life and death, forever bound to the whims of science and fate.

With a shuddering breath, Katsuki steadied himself, watching as the scientists huddled together to discuss further.

God he hated this.

Most of them evacuated with murmurs that he'd learnt meant break time.


Alone in the laboratory, Katsuki lay on the metal table, his mind reeling from the surreal events that had just unfolded. The hum of the fluorescent lights seemed to echo his racing thoughts, casting eerie shadows against the stark walls.

He took deep breaths, still unable to shake the lingering sense of disbelief that gripped him. How could he be alive? It defied all logic and reason, yet here he was, breathing, thinking, feeling.

Even after all this time, all these deaths, it was still surreal.

Closing his eyes, Katsuki tried to make sense of the chaos within him. His heart hammered against his chest, a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the unnerving reality of his own mortality.

Fear gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, threatening to consume him with its icy grip. What did it mean to be brought back from death? And what dark purposes lay behind the scientists' twisted experiments?

Why did they have to keep going? We're they looking for a weakness? Was he going to die one of these times?

But amidst the fear and confusion, a flicker of determination ignited within Katsuki's soul. He refused to be a pawn in their game, a mere subject for their cruel tests. He would escape. He would go home.

No matter what.

Word Count: 745

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