S3 - 3. [Ever So Secretly]

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Pulling a knife from its holster on his thigh, Katsuki jumped over one of the couches opposite to the man.

"You see," He continued. "I happened to hear that you were part of a certain organization. An investor, if you please"

The man paled and Katsuki took the initiative to settle into the couch, kicking his muddy boots up onto the table. He then motioned for the man to sit. The tycoon slowly did as told.

"Department K isn't really the type of organization that can easily be found. You-" He gestured with the tip of his knife. "-however, seem to be pretty close to them. Tell me, what can you give me?"

Katsuki then sat back and waited. The silence was slowly getting to the man and within a minute, the man was spilling.

"I- I can give you access to their operations" The tycoon stammered, his voice trembling. "They've got facilities all across the city. I have access codes, blueprints, everything"

Katsuki really had struck gold this time.」

Katsuki's grin widened beneath his mask, brimming with satisfaction. "Now we're talking!" He clapped, standing from his seat. "Lead the way, and maybe I'll let you live to see another day."

With a mixture of relief and fear, the tycoon led Katsuki through the corridors of the mansion, hands shaking as he inputted the access codes into the security system. Doors slid open with a soft hiss, revealing hidden passageways and secret chambers that lay concealed beneath the facade of the estate.

As they descended deeper into the bowels of the mansion, Katsuki's anticipation grew with each step. He was on the verge of uncovering even more about that damned organization and nothing would stand in his way.

Finally, they arrived at a nondescript door tucked away in a dimly lit corridor. The tycoon hesitated for a moment before turning to Katsuki with a pleading expression. "Please, spare me" He begged, his voice barely above a whisper.

Katsuki regarded him with cold indifference, sliding his knife into its holster. "Consider yourself lucky," He said. "Now get out of my sight"

With a sense of satisfaction, Katsuki watched as the tycoon fled, only to fall as Katsuki fired one of his pistols.

He wasn't stupid enough to let the guy live, let alone escape. 」

Alone at last, he turned his attention to the door before him, steeling himself for whatever lay beyond.

With a swift motion, he pushed open the door and stepped inside, ready to exact his long-awaited revenge on Department K.

As Katsuki stepped into the dimly lit chamber beyond the door, a chill ran down his spine. The air was heavy with the scent of cleaning products, not to mention it was absolutely freezing in the room.

His eyes scanned the room, taking in the rows of computer terminals, monitors flickering with encrypted data, and shelves lined with files and folders labeled with cryptic codes. This was clearly a hub of activity for Department K.

How arrogant of them to use civilians.

Even if the guy was a rotten bastard.」

With a sense of grim determination, Katsuki approached one of the terminals and plugged a USB into the system. He watched as the program bypassed firewalls and encryption protocols with ease, accessing files and data that shed light on the organization's sinister activities.

Buying things on the black market really did help out, especially when he had no talent for hacking. This program was expensive, but it did its job.

As he quickly sifted through the information, Katsuki's jaw clenched with anger. He uncovered evidence of more experiments, human trafficking, and corruption reaching the highest levels. Department K was even more depraved and corrupt than he had imagined.

Taking copies of everything, Katsuki unplugged the, now full, USB and went back out the same way he'd come in.

Stepping over the ugly homeowner's body, he grimaced, pausing to take a photo as evidence of a job done.

'Leave no witness'

Katsuki groaned, kicking the corpse.

"God damnit, you're lucky you had this information. I hate having to clean up"

Word Count: 685

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