S3 - 5. [Homebase]

73 7 1

As Katsuki made his way back to his little hideout in the attic, the weight of his actions hung heavy on his shoulders. The flames of the burning building still flickered in his mind, the wailing sirens of the firefighters still echoes in his ears.

He'd swung by Teskai's to drop off his lethal weapons and debrief. Everything had gone as planned.

Entering the dimly lit space, he found his parents waiting for him, concern etched into their features. They had always worried about him, but tonight, their anxiety was palpable.

"Katsuki, where have you been?" His mother exclaimed, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "It's way past curfew"

Katsuki's jaw clenched with guilt as he faced his parents, the weight of his secrets threatening to crush him. But he knew he had to hide his deeds from them. For their own safety, of course.

「This very mentality only furthered the gap between him and his most cherished. Not that he knew, of course.」

"I've been taking out saving people" He simply said, his mind heavy with hidden truths.

"Okay" His father murmured. "Just... Be careful out there"

With a nod, he retreated to his room, the events of the night replaying in his mind like a relentless loop.

As Katsuki later settled into his bed, exhaustion weighed heavily on him. He was pulled into a fitful sleep plagued by nightmares of fire and retribution. His mind churned with thoughts of the burning building, the faces of those he had encountered, and the secrets hidden within Department K's operations.

Jiang's face was always mocking him, his choices. The man was dead, why did he have to torment Katsuki from hell?

When morning dawned, Katsuki emerged from his restless slumber, the nightmares of the night still fresh in his mind. With a heavy sigh, he dragged himself out of bed and got dressed. His costume was on the floor in a heap, he should clean that. His weapons were strewn around, creating a minefield of hazards.

He made his way downstairs to the kitchen, where the comforting aroma of breakfast greeted him.

His parents were already seated at the table. Katsuki forced a tired smile.

"Morning" He greeted them, his voice hoarse with fatigue.

"G' morning, Katsuki," his mother replied, her eyes soft with affection. "Did you sleep okay?"

Katsuki shrugged, everything still heavy on his mind. "Not really" He admitted, taking a seat at the table and helping himself to a plate of food.

"It's okay" His father said, voice quiet yet reassuring. "You're going through a lot right now, but we're here for you. Whatever you need, we'll help you through it"

Katsuki nodded. "Yeah"

They ate breakfast together, the conversation flowing easily and as they sat together, Katsuki felt a sense of relief wash over him.

His parents really were one in a trillion.

As he was helping clean up breakfast, Katsuki's phone buzzed in his pocket. He reached for the device and glanced at the caller ID, a sense of anticipation building within him as he recognized the purposely unsaved number.

"Teskai" he muttered to himself, his thumb hovering over the answer button. With a quick press, he brought the phone to his ear, his heart pounding with anticipation.

"Hey," Came the familiar voice on the other end of the line, the sound crackling with static. "Meet me at my place, we gotta finish going over your job"

Katsuki's grip tightened on the phone, a surge of excitement coursing through him. "I'll be there"

Hanging up the phone, Katsuki wasted no time in gathering his belongings, throwing his suit into the wash, and making his way to Teskai's apartment.

His mother had yelled at him when he attempted to leave without a jacket, of course.

Finally, he reached the door marked with Teskai's apartment number and raised a hand to knock. Moments later, the door swung open, revealing Teskai standing on the other side, a teasing smirk playing across his lips.

"Well, that was quick. Did you miss me that much?" Teskai stepped aside to allow Katsuki entry into his apartment.

Katsuki rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but return Teskai's grin. "Dumbass" He replied, stepping over the threshold into the cluttered living space beyond.

He took a seat on the stained couch, pulling the USB he'd gotten last night from a pocket and tossing it to the teen.

Said teen fumbled with it, nearly dropping it before holding it up like a trophy.

"Let's see what we've got"

Word Count: 754

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