S2 - 6. [Open Up]

141 9 4

As Katsuki lay on the cold metal table, his mind racing with determination, his eyes fell upon the restraints that bound him. They were tight, unforgiving bands of steel designed to keep him immobilized, but he refused to let them hold him prisoner any longer.

With a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, Katsuki focused his thoughts, channeling his newfound resolve into action. He began to concentrate, his hands trembling slightly as he reached out with his mind, probing the limits of his newfound abilities.

At first, nothing happened. The restraints remained stubbornly in place, unmoved by his efforts. But Katsuki refused to give up, pushing himself beyond his limits in a desperate bid for freedom.

And then, with a sudden rush of energy, he felt it: a flicker of power, a spark of defiance that surged through him like wildfire. With a primal roar of triumph, Katsuki unleashed his newfound strength, shattering the restraints with an explosion of force as he pulled his arms away.

Metal screamed and twisted as the bonds that held him captive splintered and broke, falling away like shackles cast aside. With newfound freedom coursing through his veins, Katsuki stood tall, his eyes blazing with determination as he stepped out from the wreckage of his former prison.

For the first time since his resurrection, Katsuki felt truly alive, a force to be reckoned with, a survivor against all odds. He realized that nothing, not even death itself, could ever hold him back again.

Rising to his feet, Katsuki took a steadying breath, his resolve hardening with each passing moment. Whatever lay ahead, he would face it head-on, armed with courage, curiosity, and the unwavering will to defy fate itself.

With one last glance around the empty laboratory, Katsuki squared his shoulders and strode toward the door, ready to confront the dangers that awaited him beyond.

As Katsuki stepped out of the laboratory, his heart still pounding with the exhilaration of his newfound freedom, he was met with an unexpected sight. Standing before him, with a sinister smile playing at the corners of his lips, was Jiang.

"Well, well, well," The man sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "I see our little experiment has exceeded all expectations. You truly are a marvel, Katsuki."

Katsuki narrowed his eyes, his senses on high alert as he faced the man responsible for his ordeal. He could feel the weight of Jiang's gaze bearing down on him, a chilling reminder of the danger that lurked in the shadows.

"What do you want from me?" Katsuki demanded, his voice tinged with an uncontrollable defense.

Jiang chuckled darkly, taking a step closer until he was mere inches away from Katsuki. "Oh, my dear boy, you misunderstand. It's not what I want from you, it's what I want to do with you."

With a wave of his hand, Jiang motioned toward the laboratory, where the other experiments were. "You possess a power unlike anything the world has ever seen. And I intend to harness that power"

Katsuki's blood ran cold as he realized the true extent of the man's evil intentions. He had been nothing more than a pawn in Jiang's twisted game, a means to an end in his quest for power and control.

But Katsuki refused to be a pawn any longer. With a steely resolve, he met Jiang's gaze head-on, his jaw set in determination.

"You may have brought me back from death," Katsuki said, his voice ringing with defiance, "but you'll never control me"

Jiang reached for the gun tucked into his lab coat and Katsuki's instincts kicked into overdrive. He knew he had to act fast if he wanted to stand a chance against the ruthless scientist.

With a swift movement, Katsuki dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the path of the gun as Jiang pulled it from its holster. Rolling the floor, Katsuki sought cover behind a nearby lab table, ignoring whoever was strapped to it, his heart pounding in his chest as he assessed the situation.

Jiang advanced, his grip tight on the gun as he aimed it at Katsuki with deadly intent. But Katsuki refused to back down. With a silent prayer to whatever higher power had granted him his second chance at life, he focused his mind, readying himself for what was to come.

As the man closed in, Katsuki seized his opportunity. With lightning speed, he sprang from behind the lab table, launching himself at the man with all the force he could muster.

Caught off guard by Katsuki's sudden attack, Jiang stumbled backward, his grip on the gun loosening for just a moment. It was all the opening Katsuki needed.

With a swift motion, he reached out, his fingers closing around the cold metal of the gun as he wrenched it from the man's grasp. In one fluid motion, he disarmed the scientist.

Breathing heavily, Katsuki stood tall, the gun now in his possession as he faced down his adversary. Jiang recoiled, his eyes widening in disbelief at the turn of events.

"You may have underestimated me" Katsuki said, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"I'm done being your guinea pig!" He continued, lunging forward and using the gun to hit the man across his head. "I'm so fucking done with you. All'a this! I'll burn it all to the goddamn ground. I'll burn it. I'll burn it. I'll burn it! I'll burn it!"

He kept hitting, kept bringing back the firearm and whipping it forward. It wasn't long before Jiang was on the ground and he was on top of the man.

"I'll burn it, I'll burn it, I'll burn it, I'll burn it" He kept muttering, repeating the words over and over again without noticing he was doing so.

"I'll kill you" Katsuki finally said, eyes wide with realization, "I can kill you"

The man pushed up, kicking a knee upwards to unbalance him. Katsuki jolted, quickly bringing down his center of weight to meet midline before he could be thrown off.

He could do this.

Distantly, cheers could be heard. Other experiments watched on, ecstatic to witness the cause of their problems being taken down.

They didn't realize it, but Katsuki didn't plan on letting them escape either. He had no care for them, they were just background characters after all. They were expendable.

The gun in his grip was knocked away, Jiang's movements becoming desperate. They both knew the outcome of this.

Slowly, everything was falling into it's destined place. With each hit, their intertwined fates finally unraveled.

None of his actions stopped, even after the futile attempt at defense stopped from the figure below him. Even after he was covered in blood, he didn't stop. Not until he escaped the adrenaline-fueled state.

Once he'd finally stopped, he froze. Breaths heaved and gasped out and his hands shook. His whole body was trembling and quivering as he sat on the unmoving body.


A hysterical laugh escaped him, shaking his body as he reveled in the euphoric release of what he'd done. He'd killed him, murdered Jiang all by himself. He wasn't a hero.

But he sure as hell wasn't a villain either

Katsuki shakily stood, climbing off of the still-warm body.

"I'm goin' home" Was all he said before walking past the other experiments, their cries and pleas falling on deaf ears.

Word Count: 1237

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