S1 - 7. [Salvation]

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Spotting the nearest fire alarm mounted on the wall, Katsuki wasted no time. With a swift motion, he pulled the lever down, triggering the piercing wail of the alarm.

As the blaring sound echoed through the corridors, Katsuki darted into the nearest hiding spot, his heart pounding in his chest. He pressed himself against the wall, straining to control his breathing as he waited for the chaos to unfold. His body was tense, unlike anything he'd ever felt.

He'd killed Jiang. He'd killed Jiang and he didn't feel bad.

Minutes stretched into eternity as he listened intently to the commotion. Shouts and footsteps filled the air as panicked scientists and guards rushed to evacuate the building. Katsuki remained hidden, his pulse quickening with each passing second.

Finally, as the last echoes of the alarm faded into silence and the building fell eerily quiet, Katsuki emerged from his hiding spot. Peering cautiously around the corner, he confirmed that the coast was clear before venturing out into the deserted corridors.

With a sense of cautious optimism, Katsuki began to make his way towards the nearest exit. He knew that his window of opportunity was fleeting, but he refused to let fear paralyze him. He was going home.

No matter what.

As he hurried through the dimly lit corridors, his footsteps echoing softly against the cold, tiled floors, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of his mind. The memory of Jiang's lifeless body lying at his feet weighed heavily on him, a constant reminder of the irreversible actions he had taken.

Yet, despite the absence of remorse, there was a disquieting emptiness within him, a void where guilt should have resided but instead lingered a chilling indifference. It was a sensation that sent shivers down his spine, a silent testament to the depths of his transformation.

Heroes didn't kill, but they weren't fifteen year olds who'd been experimented on for god knows how long.

But amidst the turmoil of his thoughts, there was a flicker of something else, a glimmer of hope that burned bright within him like a guiding light. The promise of freedom beckoned to him like a distant beacon on the horizon, urging him forward with renewed determination.

With each step he took, Katsuki felt the weight of his burdens begin to lift, replaced by a sense of purpose that pulsed through his veins like a surge of electricity. He was no longer the helpless victim of his captors' cruel experiments. He was a survivor; he was a Bakugou.

The path ahead was contaminated with uncertainty, but he refused to falter. He had come too far to turn back now.

Katsuki suddenly heard the sound of footsteps echoing behind him. Instinctively, he spun around, his eyes widening in alarm as two figures emerged, blocking his path.

Heart pounding, Katsuki assessed the situation with a quick glance. The attackers were clad in dark clothing, their faces obscured by masks, their intent clear in the predatory glint in their eyes.

Without a word, the attackers lunged forward, moving with lethal precision as they closed in on Katsuki. With lightning-fast reflexes, he dodged their initial strikes, ducking and weaving as he sought an opening to strike back.

Adrenaline surged through Katsuki's veins as he fought with all the skill and determination he could muster. Blow after blow rained down upon him, each strike a testament to the attackers' ruthless efficiency.

But Katsuki refused to back down. Drawing upon reserves of strength he never knew he possessed, he unleashed a flurry of counterattacks, landing blows with calculated precision as he sought to turn the tide of the battle in his favor.

Minutes stretched into eternity as the three figures danced in a deadly dance of combat, their movements a blur of speed and skill. With each passing moment, Katsuki felt the weight of exhaustion bearing down upon him, threatening to overwhelm his resolve.

Heart pounding, Katsuki glared at his pursuers, eyes burning with determination. He charged forward, ready to fight until his last breath if need be.

「Death, of course, wouldn't hold him long anyways.

For in that moment, Katsuki knew that he would stop at nothing to protect his newfound freedom - even if it meant facing down the darkest of adversaries in the pursuit of his own salvation.

Word Count: 725

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