S2 - 1. [ Start of the End]

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When he woke, Katsuki found himself strapped down to whatever was below him; it felt like a table.

Something was around his neck.

Yet... Somehow, that wasn't what scared him the most. What scared him the most was the noises that surrounded him.

The screams.

They terrified him. His fear took him, holding him captive and ripping him apart. His eyesight blurred with tears, but he was so caught in his fear that they didn't fall.

"Look who's awake!" His gaze slid over from the ceiling to the owner of the voice. It was the man from before. Jiang.

"Why?" Was all he could manage to whisper out.

"I'm helping people" The man simply said. "I'm helping people just like I'm going to help you. You won't be sick anymore"

"Let me go! Let me go, you sick bastard! I don't want your help!"

Jiang's face changed, a dark gleam in his eyes. "You're not going anywhere, you're mine now. You'll be fixed, don't worry. Just relax!"

Katsuki grit his teeth together as he attempted to get out of the restraints. It was futile and he knew it, but his clouded mind could only handle so much.

He wanted to go home, he wanted his mother. Please, please, please. He wanted his mother.

A woman walked into his field of vision and he tensed. She kept her face stoic even as his tears slipped out. There was no remorse, no pity, no sympathy. He was in their hands completely, they could do whatever they wanted.

Katsuki was scared.

He hadn't felt this way in his whole life.

This was a place he'd never wanted to be and he was powerless to do anything about it.

It was terrifying.

His gaze was turned from the woman the ceiling.

"Ah, you're a crier"

Katsuki whipped over to stare into the gaze of Jiang.

"Now, now. As you know, my name is Jiang Cheng. I manage this place. My welcome speech used to be shit like 'This may hurt a little' and 'This may cause you some discomfort'. But I've grown blunt.

This workshop is not government-led or public. It's a private institution that turns useless projects like yourself into people of extraordinary abilities. But if you think superhuman powers are acquired painlessly, well... I'm injecting with a serum that contains mutgene properties into your DNA. For it to work, we need to subject you to extreme stress"

Jiang slid an IV needle into his arm and turned on a machine Katsuki hadn't noticed. A blue liquid began to flow through. Katsuki's breathing rate increased, chest heaving with panic.

"You've heard the whole, make an omelette break some eggs thing, right?" Jiang continues. "I'm about to hurt you. I was a patient here once myself, you know. The treatment affects everyone differently. It made some inhumanly strong, far more than any quirk could. In my case, it enhanced my reflexes, and scorched my nerve endings so I not longer feel pain. And in fact, I no longer feel anything"

The sterile walls around him were adorned with ominous medical equipment, casting long, sinister shadows across the room. Katsuki, stripped of his usual bravado, laid on the cold, metal table, his face contorted in agony.

God it hurt so bad. He'd do anything to make it stop, to escape and go back home. Anything at all.

A team of scientists and technicians entered and began to move about with cold precision, their faces obscured by surgical masks, their movements swift and methodical. Needles glint menacingly under the harsh light as they plunge into Katsuki's flesh, injecting him with unknown substances.

Each injection sends waves of searing pain coursing through his veins, his muscles convulsing in protest. Sweat coats his forehead, mingling with the crimson trails left by the relentless barrage of needles.

Amidst the chaos, Katsuki's defiant spirit flickers like a dying flame, his resolve tested with each agonizing moment. Yet, even in the depths of his suffering, a glimmer of defiance remains in his eyes, a stubborn refusal to yield to the horrors unfolding around him.

He wanted out. He wanted out and he wanted it now. He'd do anything.

Word count: 709

Y'all have no idea how excited I am to start posting this again

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