S1 - 11. [A Helping Hand]

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Katsuki's mother had somehow found a way to help him. He didn't know how she did it, her connections were something he never questioned.

His father did question it, though. It seemed under the table, not something that the average person would know.

It had been an interesting conversation to listen in on, with his mother revealing that she had a few childhood friends in the underworld.

Apparently, she'd reached out to them and one of them could help. Supposedly a guy named Jiang Cheng had some sort of technology that worked on the deadly sicknesses and cancers.

It hadn't been released yet, which drew further questions from his father. How safe could it possibly be.

It got emotional after that, his mother's voice went up a few pitches in desperation.

"Katsuki is dying!" She'd screamed. "My baby is dying and if there's a even the smallest possibility that this can save him, I'll be damned if I don't take that chance!"

After that, his father had cried.

The interaction had left Katsuki feeling weird. His situation really hit him after that.

He was dying.

No matter how many deflections and jokes he used, no matter how many days he woke up and felt a little bit better, he was going to die.

He didn't want to die. Not like this.

"I wanna go" He'd told them. "I wanna go and try it"

So now, now he was standing out in front of a car with his mother's friend next to him.

Katsuki waved at his mother and father, stepping into the car. The man gave a curt nod to them before climbing into the front passenger seat.

"Well then, let's be on our way" The man said to the driver. It was a fancy car, having a separation divider between the front and rear.

His suitcase was in the trunk, containing the bare minimum as directed. There was no point to bringing a billion items.

The dividing window slid up, soundproofing each section. Katsuki watched as the man's mouth moved, giving either directions or the address. He resigned to stare out the window.

Twenty minutes later, the car pulled into an empty parking lot. The man got out of the car and grabbed something from a bag, catching his attention.

His own door was opened, a placid look upon the man's face. "We've developed bracelets that keep track of your vitals for further research, could you put them on?"

Katsuki nodded with a slight shrug. "Sure"

A pair of bracelets were in the man's grasp, so he held out his wrists. The bracelets looked very similar to handcuffs, looking like they locked in place. They fit around his wrists, but couldn't be removed.

"Sorry for the uncomfort" The words were empty, the previous polite kindness long gone. Katsuki shifted uncomfortably.

He tried to ignore the odd cool feeling that was spreading through his body, but eventually, it was more of a cold feeling than a cool one.

To warm, and distract, himself, he detonated a few very small explosions. Only... They didn't ignite. He couldn't sweat, couldn't ignite. His quirk was gone.

Katsuki began inspecting the bracelets. They looked like normal, everyday vital trackers. The same kind he could buy and connect to his phone.

What were they really?

The car began driving again and Katsuki tried to reason with himself. This had to be some sort of mistake. Some sort of fluke.

So he tried again and again and again and again and again. His quirk was gone, somehow disabled and he didn't like that.

Something was definitely wrong, this guy was shady and the more he thought about it, the more he panicked. This is not what he wanted. His father was right, it was untrustworthy.

But what the hell was he supposed to do?

Katsuki was scared.

It was another hour or so before they arrived at the docks, the far pulling up to the closest spot to the water.

He couldn't hear, but he froze as the man put a gun to the driver's head.

Katsuki was really scared.

Word Count: 687

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