S1 - 9. [Just a Walk in the Park]

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Katsuki couldn't believe how freeing it was to be away from Yuuei. He missed the goals, training, and expectations. He missed his friends, his teachers, his aspirations to be a hero, but there was this freedom without it.

He didn't have to worry about grades or training or those impossibly high expectations. It was nice.

So his mother had the bright idea to invite someone over. He'd agreed under the sole condition that pity was plenty of a reason to throw someone out.

She'd agreed.

But her condition was that she got to pick who they invited. To which he had no choice but to give in to.

His father, ever the peacemaker, forced everyone to vote on guests from whichever options his mother gave.

She gave terrible options.

"So either way, Deku's going to come?" Katsuki sighed, frowning when his mother gave a beaming, mischievous smile.

"Of course! I haven't seen Inko in forever, we have a bunch to catch up on"

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "'Course you do" He sent a look to his father, pleading the man to save him.

"Sorry, can't save you this time" The man then meant towards gin to whisper. "We can sneak out later and get ice cream. They'll never see it coming"

"What the hell are you guy whispering about?"

"Nothing!" He exclaimed in sync with his father. She gave a akin to disbelief.

"Whatever, I've got my eye on you two. Katsuki help me make dinner for them. Masaru, you're getting me a gift for Inko"

Katsuki made his hand talk in a mocking way, dodging the annoyed slap she was going to give with a laugh.

"You're such a brat!" She yelled as he disappeared into the kitchen. Yeah, he was her brat.

He wouldn't be soon, though.

Katsuki shook his head to clear his thoughts. It didn't really work, but they became more muted into the back of his mind.

Katsudon, everyone liked that. Especially Deku, but he was going to make it more spicy than the usual recipe.

It didn't take long, his father had been the best teacher despite not having trained as a chef. The man had a talent, a skill. One that Katsuki took the time to master.

On the negative side of everything, he'd had to wait for his mother. Something about supervision, balance, stoves, and knives.

"Y'know... I can't really be anything hero related now" He told her, the kitchen knife in his hands clattering into the sink as he dropped it in. He ran the water, rinsing the dishes.

His mother only smiled. "There's other occupations, baby"

"What're we gonna do now? I'm pretty much dead anyways, it'll be a waste to find something to do"

"I heard of a guy that can help. And I'm not letting you go that easily, I'll fight the Shinigami if I have to. You hear me?" With those words, she pulled him into a hug. They both ignored how his damp, spice stained shirt matched the dark splotches of soy sauce on her pants. They would both have to change before the 'guests' arrived.

"Now let's clean up and get ready, you little brat"

"This's still a shitty idea, but whatever, when are they coming?"

She nodded to herself as she mentally double checked her memory "Five-thirty. I'll figure out what to do with the mess in the dining room. Don't touch–"

"–Anything near the stove, I know. This supervision stuff is stupid"

"Don't people pay for that? I can start charging you to have me as your supervisor" He heard his mother call from the next room over. "Oh! I found the design I've been missing!"

"For what?" Katsuki replied back. He put the final few dirty dishes away into the dishwasher. He hoped it ran right this time, they put in an order for a new one, but the manufacturers were taking their sweet time delivering it.

"The suit!" He grinned at her excitement. She was always like this. "I have to scan it and send it in by tomorrow or they're not going to make it for me. I pulled way too many favors for this to fail"

Katsuki rummaged through the cabinets under the kitchen sink for the dishwasher soap. He grabbed one of the soap pods and threw it in before pressing 'start'.

She'd designed, along with both his and his father's input, a costume for him to wear. It was more of a hero costume than a play costume, but the liked it regardless. It had a slight vigilante vibe going for it with the designing. He loved it, it felt strong, powerful. Everything he wasn't right now. It would fill the gaps, hopefully leaving him feeling stronger.

His mother had made two others, the other two matching it but not as detailed and eccentric. She told him that they were going to be a family of heroes, that his parents would be his sidekicks.

He loved her, she always took the time to care for him. Even though her occupation, she did more than work. His mother was one of a kind.

Swaying on his feet for a moment, he grabbed the counter to steady himself until the feeling passed. What a pain. Katsuki then walked to the dining room to help.

His mother stood at one end of the table, looking through the papers. "It's five-fifteen" He told her. "Go through them later"

"Don't tell me what to do, brat" She stuck her tongue out at him, but did as he said, collecting the pile to carry over to the living room. He sighed, she'd just dump them on that table.

Both him and his mother enjoyed cleaning, but there were certain exceptions. She tended to leave her work papers everywhere, but she also tended to forget which ones were where. Katsuki left his hero figurines everywhere. His room had every surface cluttered with them and he'd taken over the living room bookshelves, All Might toys sitting on the ledges in front of the books.

"Okay! All done. Go get changed" He followed her to the stairs. "Last one done has to mop the kitchen later!" She ran, but he was faster. He'd learnt long ago how to run and skip stairs.

On the negative side, since she was a model, she knew how to put together an outfit and change into it in record time. He'd have to rush.

She ran to her room, the door slamming in her rush. She shouted a quick 'Sorry!' that had him smiling.

He would miss this.

Word Count: 1079

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