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Published the wrong one lol

Katsuki sat in the car, his mother next to him, as they drove away from the school. He hated crying, but found himself overwhelmed with too many unwelcomed emotions.

"I wanna be a hero" He cried, desperately wiping at his face. "I just wanted to be a hero"

"You're a hero" His father told him. "You're a hero that fights everything and survives. You're my hero. Your mother's too"

The man's words did nothing for his state, but he was comforted nevertheless.

He couldn't help but feel free from his restraints around his parents. He let himself cry, scream, complain, vent. They were his safety net, his support beams, his lantern in the dark.

Without them he'd be nowhere, he'd be at some public school with his dreams staying dreams.

Instead, he had become a student at the most prestigious, important schools. He was able to go to Yuuei.

He wouldn't have be there without them. Their guidance, knowledge, and absolute support kept him going. It always had and always would.

They were going to make the most of his time, but he knew it wasn't just for him. They wanted to be there for him, to create memories they could look back on. He had to make sure that they got those memories.

He had to.

"Katsuki? We're going home now, but d'you wanna help me find some places to go tomorrow?" His father offered. He nodded quietly, staring at his hands as they lightly shook.

He would always help them, always be there for them. Right up until the end.

So he say there, his body pressed up against his mother's as they drove, his father's signature way of just breaching the speed limit allowing him to simply relax. His mother's music played through the air, as loud as he could physically handle and he absolutely loved it. He loved the feeling of the air pulsing, the car vibrating, his heart rate beating along with the music's own beat.

This was his euphoria, his paradise on earth.

Katsuki was close with his parents, he'd always been. And even though he waited to tell them about certain things, he always told them, always received advice and guidance as to what he could do.

Being himself around then was easy, there was nothing to hide. They never judged anything that didn't warrant necessary support or disciplining guidance. They were always there for him and all of his pieces and parts

He swore and yelled with his mother, but rarely was it because either were mad. It was a trait he'd picked up from her; one that he loved he could share. The feeling of the release of otherwise dormant curses always made everything better.

He loved her more than anything, she was his support, his lifeline.

Masaru Bakugou was one of a kind. His father had a true eye for fashion, his career skyrocketing until he became one of the most well known designers.

Yet... To Katsuki, the man was more than that. His father was the master chef, terrible comic artist, and above all, the man was his father.

He loved them and it meant everything that he could spend his remaining time with them. And that, that meant the world. Being a hero was to surpass All Might, sure, but he wanted to be his parents' hero. He wanted to be able to protect them from everything.

Everything except himself, as it seemed.

"Mom? Am I... Am I gonna have to go back to the hospital soon?" Katsuki quietly asked her.

She frowned. "Eventually, I suppose. But I'm keeping you by my side for every damn second. I'll sleep right on top of you. How does that sound? I'd be a good blanket right?"

"Best of the best" Katsuki returned. He didn't tell her of his thoughts. His endless loops of dark, scary thoughts. If she shared a space with him in the hospital, what would happen if he died? She would wake up to a dead body. Then what?

"Let's eat out tonight, anyone have any ideas?"

"How about WcDonalds? We can all have a cheat day from the usual healthy crap" His mother said. "How's that sound?"

Katsuki nodded along with his father. "Sounds good"

Tomorrow. Tomorrow would be better. Tomorrow they start the adventures and he couldn't wait to see what 'quests' they took along the way.

Word Count: 735

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