S2 - 11. [Explaination]

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"So... I was part of some sort'a experiment. They, uh, fixed my tumor but uhm..." Katsuki looked away from his parents, eyes tracing back to his bare feet. "My quirk is gone"

"Gone? Katsuki, are you–"

"It's okay, I got something better. It's better to show you some of it, I guess"

Katsuki stood, far too steady on his feet for what he was about to do. He went to the kitchen and returned with rag and a knife. His mother gasped and Katsuki was reminded that they had seen him come home covered in blood.

"Don't freak out!" He quickly said before shoving the knife into his arm. His mother covered her mouth to barely smother a scream. His father sat, eyes wide in a shocked trance.

"I said don't freak out" Katsuki murmured as he pulled the knife out. It was set down on the coffee table after he wiped it off. He used the rag to make sure no blood escaped to stain the couch.

His arm healed, skin pulling itself back together before their eyes. When it was healed, not even a scar remained. He held it up after wiping off the leftover blood.

"See? Better than explosions. I can't die, either. Obviously I'm not going to kill myself to show you, but I've already died a buncha times and—"

His mutters were cut off by his father grabbing him by his shoulders. "Don't do that. Don't ever hurt yourself. I'd... You should never do that!"

Katsuki didn't have the heart to tell the man that he could barely register the pain anymore, that they had already tried all sorts of things, that he'd been dismembered and had his throat slit open. He wouldn't dare tell them. Not in a million years.

"Okay" He whispered finally. Once he'd spoken, his father pulled him into a hug. The man was trembling.

"Katsuki" He looked over his father's shoulder to face his mother. She had her eyes locked on the knife that sat innocently on the table.

"What happened to you?"

It wasn't about what atrocities he'd been through, he could tell that. She was asking about his mental state. He'd just stabbed himself, of course she'd ask.

"I've done some shit I should be sorry for"

"And you're not" It wasn't accustory, his mother was simply stating the obvious. He nodded, not knowing what to say.

"What do you want to do?" His father asked towards them, releasing his hold on Katsuki.

Before his mother could speak, Katsuki scowled. "I'm going to track down all of these fuckers and end them. Bastards have ruined enough lives"

For some reason, his mother's face softened and when he glanced at his father, the man had this gentle look of understanding.

"Okay baby"

"And I don't... What? You're just gonna say 'okay'?"

His mother gave a warm smile. "I can't really say no, you deserve to follow your dreams"

"Damn right" Muttered his father.

Katsuki sat there with his mouth open, yet no words formed. Just like that? They were going to support him even though his goal was explicitly illegal just like that?

He didn't deserve them.

As Katsuki grappled with the weight of his revelation, a mixture of emotions churned within him: gratitude, disbelief, and a lingering sense of guilt. He had expected his parents to react with shock and horror, perhaps even to reject him for the monstrous creature he had become. But their response was anything but what he had anticipated.

His father's firm grip on his shoulders and his mother's tearful embrace spoke volumes, their unspoken words of love and acceptance echoing in the silence of the room. It was a moment of profound connection, a reminder of the unbreakable bond that tied them together, despite the horrors they had endured.

Yet, beneath the surface, there lingered a nagging doubt, a fear that he was unworthy of their unconditional support, that his actions had irreparably tarnished his soul. The memory of the blood-stained knife and the look of horror on his mother's face haunted him, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked within him.

But as he looked into their eyes, Katsuki saw only love and understanding, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of his fractured psyche. It was a realization that brought him a measure of peace, a flicker of light in the darkness that threatened to consume him.

And as he sat there, surrounded by the warmth of his father's embrace, Katsuki knew that no matter what trials awaited him, he would face them head-on, armed with the knowledge that he was not defined by his past, but rather by the choices he made in the present.

Word Count: 856

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