The End Of An Era

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It has been a month and we found out that the new buyer is making some drastic changes which will cause a lot of riffs between employees and management. The outfits for instance for women are outrageous. They might as well work at hooters. Then we are only going to get paid minimum wage no matter how long we have been working here and the men get more money because they have families. Excuse me men and women both have families to support. I am getting angrier and angrier about this new employment package they offered us. I thought this guy wanted to make this place classy, but with these changes it will be a dive. No holiday pay, no sick pay, no anything. They want an answer in an hour. I hand them the papers back unsigned and tell them I will not sign that at all. I tell them that I can't afford to work here any more. I ask if they will have me give two weeks notice with the same money or does this start immediately?
Hr Carol Steiner
It starts in the morning, so you can forgo the two weeks notice, since it will need to close after tomorrow for remodeling and getting everything changed over.
I give it back and work to the end of shift. My phone rings and Mia has decided to go to a competitor and she told them today. I finally get through my shift and get my things from my locker and turn in my pass and ID along with my chefs uniform and hat. They tried to get my shoes, but I reminded them that I bought those myself and show them the receipt. I grab my books and laptop and all of the employees follow me out. They tell me if they aren't fair to me they aren't fair to anyone and they walk out with me giving their uniforms up one at a time. I didn't ask them to do this, but they did it anyway. No one would work under the conditions the new owner has set up. McDonald's employees make more money. Something tells me that the new owner might not know what his new management is offering us. I should have asked for a copy of it. I think I can call and have them fax it to me.
Anastasia calls me and tells me everyone walked out without signing the documents and we are now looking for work. I tell her that there are three restaurants trying to get the staff from the Mile High Club. I guess it must be something in the water because they had a big walk out here as well. Try the Seattle Nooz you might get on as a stringer until you get your degree.
I know you are kidding with me about the Seattle Nooz. No way would I work for them for any reason. I think I will send my resume out though I don't have long before I get my college degree. Are you coming to see me get my diploma?
Of course I am I need to get on line and see if there is a better job out there for me. I haven't given them a firm yes or no yet.
Okay good luck. I arrive home and get on line and send my résumé's out to all the nicer restaurants. Things are going smoothly until my battery goes dead on my laptop. I plug it in and hope everything is okay, but it isn't. I just start off again with the laptop charging and I am done by 1 am. I shower and go to sleep almost immediately. I keep hearing pounding on my door and it keeps getting louder and louder. I stumble ver and grab my robe, don't want to answer the door naked. I open it and see it is my apartment manager. He is here to fix something yet again. He wakes me up at least three times a week. Listen I don't know what is broken today, but fix it and please leave. I have things to do today and my class starts in two hours. Harry Steven's is a dirty old man and he is about to hear from his bosses about waking me up three times a week to do repairs and doesn't repair a thing. He goes and looks at the kitchen outlets and tightens a few screws and I go find the clothes I am going to wear today. I lock my bedroom door and block the door with my dresser and shower and dress very quickly and brush my hair and teeth and grab my make up to take with me. I damn well am not putting my makeup on around this creep. I hear the door rattling. I knew it and he definitely tried the door when the water was running. Now I am really talking to his boss. Trying my bedroom door while I am in the shower.
Ansco management
Hello how may I help you.
I am calling yet again to complain about Harry Steven's and this time he tried t get into my bedroom while I was in the shower. He keeps waking me up and coming in to fix things and nothing gets fixed at all. You would think that three times a week he would have repaired something right? I hand the phone to mr Steven's and he turns bright red and he says he understands and he apologizes to me and gives me the phone back and grabs his tool and leaves.
Miss Steele my boss said if you don't sue us we will give you three months rent free and all new appliances. And better locks on your door Al get with your own dead bolt locks.
Okay, but make sure this guy doesn't have anything to do with changing the locks, because if I end up being raped by him you will be responsible for it.

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