Special Delivery

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We got ahead of the game on our education and can graduate in six months. Now this baby needs to come on time. Theodore is nervous and treating me very well, but he does that to begin with. We really didn't get the wedding we wanted.
I smile at Finley as I think about helping her have the baby come. I start massaging her from head to toe and with a few of the right moves her water has broken and we are on our way to the hospital. We just make to the ER door when baby one decides he can't wait to join the world. They just barely got her in the gurney and I heard the cry of our son. I go park the car and speed across the parking lot. I just barely missed getting hit by the ambulance flying into the area I just left Finley at. I am directed where Finley is at and they are delivering another baby, but I see them cleaning up my son. The dr tells me we have more than one. I watch as my wife has our second son. Then our third son. Finley had triplets and we had no idea. We have three identical boys weighing between 4.5 pounds each 20 inches long. We name them Alexander Christian, Thomas Elliott, and Eric James Grey. Mom and dad a flying in to see their grandchildren and to make sure we have a place big enough to raise the boys until we come back to Seattle.

These days have flown by it feels like yesterday I met Christian. Now we are watching our first grandsons graduate from college at Harvard. All look like exact copies of Christian himself. Too bad we lost him last year in a boating accident. I feel him and Barnabas he is whispering how much he wanted to be here for this day. I feel something warm around my shoulders and on my face. A cardinal lands on my hand and I recall something about it representing loved ones who are gone from me. Ethan Kavanagh is watching his own child graduate as well. He and I have became friends after he lost Sarah to cancer two months ago. Theodore is running GEH and Finley is running Grey building. Elliott retired and he sold his construction company back to GEH. His children went on to become doctors and lawyers like his mom and dad. Gail and Jason are here to see the graduation and they are coming back to live in Seattle. Sophia and Jim are retired as well. There children are all in politics.

I wrap my arms around her and kiss her cheek as Barnabas points at the Cardinal on her hand. We need to go back now. Barnabas is still helping orphans around the world. I am waiting for Anastasia to join me soon. Barnabas says it won't be long now. So I have to leave her for now.

Three months later I take Anastasia by the hand and we leave the earthly plain for now. Our family will find her after she dies in her sleep.

The end
Hoped you enjoyed it.

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