A New Home

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It was hard to convince Anastasia to move into one of my companies apartments at Escala, but Elliott and Mia said they could move in and help her until she was better and I couldn't turn them down so I didn't. I handed them the keys along with the security codes. I hired a nurse and security to make sure she is safe. I advanced her money for an all new wardrobe as well. She has the place below me because she needed more than two bedrooms. The Sullivan family all moved in after someone burnt their house down. They think Harry Steven's did it after seeing Elliott with Anastasia. They had been living in a hotel until the insurance company finished their investigation. So she has a lot of company. It helps that mrs Sullivan is a doctor and her husband is an attorney. Both have small offices, but they are doing well. They have college funds for both kids. Elliott has no college debts and neither does Anastasia. Mia won't have them either. It turns out that the Sullivan are independently wealthy, they just live below their means. But they like Anastasia and want her safe. It turns out that Harry Stevens did set their home on fire, but they saved everything of value to them. The house was destroyed even further after the fire marshal said it was deliberately set. No one was home, but neighbors helped put the fire out and helped get everything into a storage unit. But after the crime scene tapes were taken down someone again set it on fire this time it was burned to the ground. Cctv footage places Harry Stevens there on both events.
I am doing a lot of things via laptop and Mia is running around for me Elliott is working his butt off to run his company and help with the club. So I am trying to work as well. Christian has people waiting on me and the rest of us hand and foot. He bought me clothes as well as the Sullivan family. The apartment is fully furnished and Gail Taylor shops for our food and brings meals down as well. I asked her if she thought about being a chef and she said she is one already and works for mr Grey.
I think mr Grey is sweet on Miss Steele. She left the hospital not long after Harry Stevens tried to kill her again. The cops were trying to implicate her in regards to shooting mr Stevens and the stupid irate chef. But after reviewing everything and I mean everything they found out Harry Stevens had been a very bad person and people were coming out of the woodwork to press charges. The chef had tried to kill more than Anastasia and he somehow got off, but this time he is going to spend time in jail. Harry Stevens was transferred into the prison infirmary, he will live the rest of his life with a colostomy bag. He might not be able to walk again, the men injured his spine when they knocked to the ground. His car had evidence in it proving he had set the fires to the Sullivan home. The insurance company is fighting against paying them for the damages. The rental insurance paid for all the damaged things Miss Steele had. I took her black box back to her and she cried and hugged it like it was her lifeline to this world. I stayed and helped her put it in the safe. She checked to make sure everything was in there and touched her heart and closed it and placed it in the safe and locked it up.
Sorry about that, but we all have things we can't afford to lose because they can't be replaced. That is one of them. I thought Harry Stevens had destroyed it after hearing he had been videotaping me. I need to lay back down thanks Gail for everything.
Call if you need anything okay?
I will thanks so much.
I tell Jason that mr Grey has really fell for Miss Steele he chuckles and says stay out of that and just let it grow naturally. The boys are watching us and laughing. Mom do as dad says because I like Seattle and living here. Both. Loved the idea of living in this enormous penthouse. Mr Grey created a dream play area for both boys when we took the jobs. They get a great education as well. Boating, fishing, trips and everything we could dream of. It is the fact Jason puts his life on the line every day that bothers me. Although he is now head of security for all the GEH companies and he has over a thousand people under him security wise.

A month later Harry Stevens stood trial and was given 25 to life for shooting Miss Steele. The other crimes he got another 25 to life. The arson he got life, because he had a history of doing it and was wanted for it in three other states. The chef Marvin Oliver got fifteen years with no chance of early parole, he had been involved in a similar circumstances and was on probation from that. News reporters were trying to get an interview with Miss Steele but she refused at every turn.
Christian has me and Mia driven back and forth to work and guarded by both men and women. I have enjoyed having the Sullivan family living with me and will hate when their new home is finished and they will be leaving me all alone again. They are more like family than anyone has ever been to me. There was one foster mother who was such a caring person, she just married the wrong man. After a loud fight behind doors he bought her flowers and a card as an apology, but she just couldn't look up at him at that point he pulled her face up and I saw the black eyes and started punching her and I ran to get help but I was too late. I never saw her alive again. So I go into shock when I get flowers with a card sent to me.

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