Mia (sex scenes trio)

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I walk out of the restaurant to check how the rest of the building is doing Elliott is nearly done on everything and we are nearly at full capacity. We even have two major grocery stores in place between the apartments and the offices. There is also a child care center on two floors. Staff are still being hired there and it is subsidized by Christian and Anastasia. I watch as a young man walks towards the elevator and trips over his own two feet, but he catches himself and gets in the elevator. He smiles and waves at me. I wave back and go back into the restaurant. I learned later that he was Ethan Kavanagh and his dad bought one of the apartments upstairs. Then I see a man walk by with another man carrying luggage behind the man who looked similar to Ethan Kavanagh. Two women were draped over him and smiling. They were all laughing. Elliott comes over and says Eamon is doing pretty good after divorcing Enid. He deserves it from everything that has come out lately about their marriage.
Mia asks me about everything and he tells me that Ethan is not Enid's child but he is Eamon's child. His only child from his dead fiancé just prior to marrying Enid. She never adopted him and Kate isn't his child. The baby he married her was miscarried when she fell down a set of stairs. She is to be avoided at all costs Mia do you understand me. She is the reason Kate is the way she is and why she ended up behind bars.
Thanks for telling me, I will definitely stay away from her.
I walk in to the apartment and Ethan is waiting for me, sonI show my guests their rooms and my room as well. I have their luggage placed in my closet. I tell them I have someone to introduce to them. I introduce Ethan to both of the ladies and go ask the cook to prepare food for four of us and get our drink orders and she follows me into the living room and asks us what we would like to drink and goes and gets them.
I start asking how the ladies met my dad and they tell me and show me a few photos and dad is really enjoying himself and both ladies are cuddling up to him. I can't even get one lady and here he is with two. My dad is a scoundrel lol But he seems to be making both ladies happy. He is definitely happier than I have ever seen him be. Then the maid comes and tells him Enid Kavanagh wanted a word with him. He told her to tell her that they don't have anything to talk about any longer. To have her escorted out and have her placed on the no admittance list for the building. I look at dad and he says he will explain later.
Beatrice the maid
I let my boss and his company know the dinner is ready and is on the table waiting. He helps his female guests up and leads them to the table and pulls out both their chairs. He sits between them and his son sits on the other side of the table. I escape quickly after asking if they need anything else of course. I knew he was newly single but had no idea he had met not just one but two someone's that quickly. I go clean up the kitchen and check the deserts. I am saddened by this because I only took this job to meet Eamon. I guess I will take the chef's position I was offered by Mia. I should have known better than to think he would think of me as more than an employee. I get through serving their meals and cleaning everything up and I am dismissed for the evening. I call Mia and ask if the job is still available and she says it isn't but they have a nice position in the catering service that they need filled. It will require my management skills. Beatrice Alden you will be strong and give your two week notice. I ask if I can work there and work at my job for Eamon for the two week notice I am giving him.
You sure can, come down and fill the paperwork out if you want to now and we can work with your schedule and you can start when you want to and just het setup in HR for your documents and your badge. I am betting it has something to do with the two women your boss brought home today. Right?
Yes it does, I took the job because I liked him and hoped for more, but I didn't think he was already seeing someone. I might need to find an apartment.
You can stay with me and Elliott we won't mind at all. Sorry about this. You will find someone else in no time. You are too young for him anyway. You need someone your age. I will be here for a few more hours and Elliott can help you with your things if you need them. I can find someone to fill you position so you don't have to fulfill the two weeks notice if you would rather not. Hold on I call Jackie and ask her if she still wants a live in position as a maid and cook? She says yes and I tell her a position in mr Kavanagh's apartment just opened up and it is a live in position. I call mr Kavanagh and explain the Beatrice needs to quit her position due to unforeseen circumstances and I have her replacement ready if he wants to interview her and Jackie was interviewed and she was in line for the job, but somehow Beatrice got the job offer. He recalls Jackie and will need her there in the morning and to bring her things with her to put in her living quarters.
I watch as Beatrice leaves in tears and I can't help but want to console her, but that might not be a good idea. Mr Sullivan is taking her things down on the luggage trolley. He waves and says Jackie will be here with her things at five am and will go through the servants quarters entrance. He will be with her. I nod and go back to my guests. Ethan says goodbye and heads out the door for home. Then the ladies grin at me and I know where this is headed.
I take Eamon by one hand and Ella takes him by the other hand. I am looking forward to a long night with Eamon and Ella. We arrive at his bedroom and unpack our things while he gets the huge tub ready. He is undressed and in a silk robe as he comes out if the restroom.
I strip off my clothing and help Violet strip as well we both get our matching robes, the ones we bought with Eamon and his match ours. He kisses me passionately and then Violet. He leads us into the bath tub and drops his robe after taking ours off of us.
I have two very sexy women in my tub with me and I intend on sampling each of them equally. I like being single and knowing what to do to these satisfy these beautiful ladies. I start with massaging my favorite areas as they reciprocate my actions. I take turns making sure both have orgasms and I enter one and satisfy her and pull the other one where I can enter her. Oh this is heaven. Enid barely let me touch her so I learned a lot while she was out cheating I was getting ready to be single again and how to please a woman, then I found two women who wanted to have a threesome. We hit it off right away and they are willing to do scenes with each other and we all have our needs met. I hope they brought their toys. We dry off and continue in the bedroom I get in the middle while one kisses my mouth and the other kisses my lower areas. I massage both of their private parts.

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