Elliott Discovers Love

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Little did I know that when I was working so very hard that love would find me. At first she pissed me off about her demands on her house and she was very intrusive and bothered me at my parents wedding anniversary party. Manuela Atruso had just divorced her husband after finding him in bed with her best friend. Carlos Atruso married her thinking he would end up with half her fortune. He had signed so many documents that he failed to be concerned after the tenth one. So he signed a prenuptial agreement along with a lot of other documents saying if the marriage ended because of his actions he got nothing but what he came into the marriage with. Which was a twenty year old car and a house that needed major repairs. She told him he should keep his house and car, but he didn't listen. The day she gave birth to their son he was busy having sex with Angie Santos, her childhood friend. Manuela had hired a private detective and found out they had been together since a year before her wedding to Carlos. Her parents died in a car crash and they left her everything with one stipulation that she not get her inheritance while still married to Carlos. She was mad at first, but was happy that they were smarter than she was.
Manuela Atruso
When I met Elliott Sullivan my son Benito or Bennie was acting up and I was not in the mood to deal with a conceited construction worker. I demanded to see his boss and he said he was the boss and asked me just why did I need to see him for exactly. I told him that they had changed the kitchen around and it was not conducive to being convenient and they had shortened the space and I wasn't happy.
I drove her out to her home and we looked it over and I explained why there was less space and unlocked the area behind the appliances and showed her where we set it up to get in to repair the wires, plumbing and anything else easier than tearing the thing out to get to it for repairs. She realized then we were saving her costs down the road by doing this. But there was an issue the guys put the counters in the wrong spot so they are going to have to fix their shoddy work at their own costs. I called them and told them to get back out and fix their work or we won't be using them again. Fifteen minutes later the owner of the company showed up with a crew that fixed it and fixed the damage they did by installing it incorrectly. I had someone deliver food for us and we ate and she had a tight hold on Bennie. I asked her if she had bought a play set to put in her yard yet?
I haven't thought about it yet, but I think I will check into one for him. He shows me some things he built for kids to play in and on. They have lights and windows. He could even add running water and fridge and stove. Everything a big house has he could put in it easily. He said because of what happened he would do it for free including his labor and materials. I ask him what he would get by doing such a thing fr me and my son.
I make up for what happened in your kitchen and get a happy customer and a happy customer is someone who recommends us to other Dustin that we try to satisfy the customer without charging them for the chance to do so. Bennie hoods up the one he wants and ask his mommy if she will okay it. I call and have a team bring everything out and get a crew to build in in the next hours. Three hours it is completed and I have caught three more issues with the other companies work and talk to their boss and he doesn't look happy. Chuck Jones son in law was the issue. That is never good, can you keep hm off my jobs please. Does he have to work for you?
Chuck Jones
He needs a job, do you have an idea?
I might have an idea, but he might not like it. Is he trustworthy?
Chuck Jones
Yes he is just not good at construction work.
Turn him over to me I will find him something, he will be paid and I know where to keep him safe and not damaging our work sites. Conner  Guinness is introduced to me and I ask Chuck his salary and benefits and offer him a job with my company. It turns out he wanted to work at the Mile High Club but they don't have any openings. But he can cook and he can create intricate cakes and other foods as well. I call Mia and ask her if they have found the wedding cake creator yet?
No do you have someone in mind? Who is it?
Conner Guinness, can you give him and chance?
Are you kidding me, I thought his father in law forbade him from creating cakes?
Well he can't do construction not on my sights. So check him out and I just sent you the pay and benefits he gets now.
One that is a lot lower than what we were paying our wedding cake creators. Send him over I will let them know and tell Anastasia as well. She might bump the pay though. We will need to see if he is as good as rumored.
I need to get back to work out here and suddenly Bennie squeals and Mia asks me why is there a kid with me and I hang up. I tell Conner to leave and go talk to Mia Sullivan about his new job. Bennie was over joyed at getting to choose the colors for his little home.
I can't believe how fast they fixed the kitchen and then the other things. We went over everything and got everything fixed finally everything was running smoothly. Elliott came by and looked in on everything daily and the people knew to follow the instructions completely. Three weeks later everything is perfect and we have moved into the house. Bennie wanted to thank mr Sullivan so we invited him to dinner.
I arrived at the Atruso home and dinner was great. Bennie told me everything about his mom's disastrous dates. I know the feeling women think I am a bank machine because I own the construction company. I know them when I see them. I guess Bennies father thought the same about his mother. I get ready to leave and Bennie wants to see me again. I tell him there is a bbq with friends of mine soon if they want to come to it I can arrange it. We make arrangements have me pick them up for it.

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