A Good Choice

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I get to see Anastasia regularly and have convinced the Sullivan family to stay a bit longer. I want Anastasia to feel comfortable about moving in my home with me until we get married. Taylor has told me to slow down and let Anastasia get used to being with me and then get serious about her. I have a ring, but not really sure if I should use the ring from the parents who left me on a doorstep in the dead of winter with a note saying they couldn't take care of me and the ring was given for my care. I immediately trusted Anastasia and trusted those she trusted. I normally don't and I know we are both good at having sex and getting that question answered was good. Not everyone is compatible sexually. Which reminds me where is my love bug at?
I am getting in the elevator to go to see Christian when a blonde gets in with me. I wait for her to input the numbers but she doesn't so I press the down button. And go to the front desk and ask Taylor to come get me from the front desk and I can't tell him what the problem is. I send a text telling him that a blonde got in the elevator and was waiting for me to input the code to get into the penthouse, but I chose to come to the lobby instead and she is watching my every move. Taylor says it probably is an annoying news paper person who has been trying to get an introduction to mr Grey for a while now. He sees the blonde and he asks her to leave or be arrested. I make my move to the elevator and get inside and key in the codes and Taylor gets in before blonde tries to get inside.
Miss Kavanagh you are already violating the restraining order, don't make me call the cops and have you removed from the premises.
Kate Kavanagh
I just need to see him and ask him a few questions is all.
You have five seconds to let the doors closed before I dial 911. Eamon won't like having to get you out of jail will he now?
I let go of the elevator and think that the girl in the elevator came down here and waited around until Taylor came down to handle me. I should have known after she stopped talking and started texting. I have to find out who she is.
Miss Steele if she starts bothering you text me and we can stop her from bothering you. She is trying to get mr Grey to marry her under the guise of wanting an interview with him. We already have recordings of her plotting it out. You can listen to them if you wish.
I will trust you in that, so she just wants his money and not him?
Basically she wants the money, prestige, and social status of being a billionaires wife brings. Now you know why he lives like a monk, well lived like a monk lol
He is no monk that for sure. Lol I will make sure the Sullivan know about her. We arrive and Taylor tells him that Miss Kavanagh was the delay, she had somehow gotten to the floor below and was trying to get a ride up here.
I think she somehow knows you are seeing Miss Steele and got on the floor with help and realized she could get in here by following Miss Steele up here.
Talk to Eamon, don't talk to Enid she is as bad as Kate is about pulling stunts like this one. Eamon doesn't want Kate arrested. Ethan is trouble as well. Call the Sullivan and make sure they have a picture of the Kavanagh family and let them know it was a bad idea to send them over. I figure out that my security will finally get it across to the Kavanagh family that I am not interested in a marriage to their annoying daughter. Elliott called me about Kate Kavanagh approaching Mia recently to befriend her and that was how she must have gotten the codes to get to their floor. I guess she did to Mia what she attempted with Anastasia but Anastasia didn't feel comfortable so she chose to go to the lobby instead and have Taylor handle Kate. Mia trust because she hasn't been around a lot of untrustworthy people around her, like Anastasia and I have. Her family are the salt of the earth. I guess Kate just got lucky with Mia and then figured that Anastasia wouldn't think about the penthouse was the only place to go up to and she didn't want Kate seeing the code or going to the penthouse because she didn't know her. My girl was right on the money as usual.
I get in my car and leave as security guards watch me leave the premises. I call Mia and ask her if she can get the codes to the penthouse. Her line was busy so I call again and finally she picks up the phone. I ask her a few things and find out she knows I used her to get into the building and the codes have been changed and she wants nothing to do with me. She hangs up on me. We will see about that Miss Sullivan.
I tell mom and dad about what Kate has just tried to pull on me and it doesn't surprise them at all. They had hoped their feelings about her were wrong, but she hasn't changed. They tell me she has been chasing after Christian Grey since he got his first million dollar deal at 18 and finally ended up a billionaire and now a multi billionaire. Anastasia is dating him and she tried to get up to the penthouse by getting on the elevator with her after seeing it was going up. She sent it to the lobby and got hold of Taylor. I give mom and dad the new codes and advise them that Kate apparently is very sneaky. She tried Elliott first and he picked up on some things that didn't jive with what he knew to be the truth.
Kate really thought I would fall for her fluttering eyes and helpless female routine. Mom had some dealings with her and Enid and mom told me to stay far away from the Kavanagh family. When she was asking me too many questions rather than tell me what she wanted built. I was told her name was Ashley Simpson. Cartoon character name possibly. I excused myself and hit the cctv to record while I left the room. I then checked for Kate Kavanagh on line and there she was in all her glory. My receptionist and I watched as Kate tried every drawer and tried to get into my laptop. We watched as I sent one of my salesman into talk to her about what kind of home she wanted built and it was getting funny. She kept asking where I was and he told her I had other appointments and she was given enough time to tell me what she wanted but apparently she was asking about my private life instead. So are you here to have a home built or to pump my boss for information about Christian Grey miss Kavanagh?
Brian Simms
Elliott texted me about a joke someone was playing on him and his family and he thought it would be nice to catch her in her joke and embarrass her, when he told me that Kate Kavanagh had set an appointment as Ashley Simpson, he checked on reverse lookup for the cell number owner and it came up belonging to Kate Kavanagh I asked him to record everything and he started recording just before he left her alone in his office to try to dig for information. In I walk and I keep my face straight and keep talking about her housing needs. She keeps asking private questions about Elliott and his family and I lead her right back to her housing needs then I lower the boom on her. I tell her to stop wasting peoples time and money if she isn't having anything built then stop bothering us. I have security walk her out and she sees Elliott watching his office on the cctv on the screens in the waiting room. He waves goodbye at her and tells her to stay away from him and his family.
She went after Mia next and that put her on my radar. Mom told me that she would try anything and everything she could to get Christian Grey or any billionaire. Well at this point I am not on her radar thank God for that. My work schedule is so tight that I don't date per se but I do have friends with benefits for now. Christian Grey has plans for a future with Anastasia and it doesn't include Kate.

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