Ellis Delivers

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I was put in the hospital and triplets are being delivered by c section for many reasons. They will be doing DNA testing immediately afterward and the Grey family are paying for all of them. Two boys and girl all of them were born healthy. I named the one that looked like Theodore Theodore Christian Grey, then Albert Grant Grey, and Allison June Grey. Mr Grey wasn't happy that I had tried to add their last name to all the birth certificates and he insisted on them not using the Grey name until paternity was satisfied that his son was father to any of the children. His attorneys were there to assure that happens.
Three days later and my continuing to get Grey as my triplets last name. Soon my parents arrive and they are very angry at me. Mr Grey has filed a complaint against me, none of the babies are his grandchildren. All three belong to whoever the other condoms belong to. He also informed me that he had Theodore tested for an STD along with his girlfriend and both were clean unlike myself. Because I signed a release form for medical records to be released they found out about the STD's
Oscar Barry
I apologize to mr Grey and his son and his wife Finley. They got married after everything went down. Ellis's was pretty upset about their marriage, but there was nothing we could do about it and I now know Ellis's needs to be in an inpatient treatment center for mental illness. We have had to go find cribs for the babies. Mrs Anastasia Grey handed us a check for ten thousand dollars to help get them the things they will need right away. I hated taking the money but I did and apologized to her and her son yet again. Lilian was not happy and thinks they forged the results, I told her they didn't and I found out that they were going to take care of all three financially if even one was their grandchild. I showed her the ten thousand dollar check so we can buy things for our grandchildren.
That says it all they know one at least are their sons baby. He looks at me and reaches in his pocket and shows me evidence video and voice recording along with emails to a friend about getting used condoms with sperm of the guy you want and how to use the sperm to become pregnant by them without them knowing anything about it. I stand there and realized my daughter is a horrible human being by doing this. So she got pregnant by the wrong condoms. Think we will ever know who the real fathers are?
Finley Grey
Theo and I head back to Harvard and we were ready to take the babies from the Barry's and we could get them because Ellis's was going to be charged and sent to jail for stealing Theo's sperm. Cctv footage of her entering the showers was obvious and they just happened to catch her getting the condoms out of the trash. She was also quietly interviewed by the nurse about Theodore and his body. She actually got her to describe his body and she left out the unicorn birthmark. No one intimate with him would forget that. She never brought it up. My in laws are wealthy because they are smart and know human nature.
I kiss Finley and we go celebrate my not being a parent yet. Mom and dad say it is good you aren't the father of the triplets, but sad that the triplets might never know their father or fathers. I think about it and it does make me sad. We go have a nice dinner with mom and dad as his attorneys handle everything at the hospital. I guess they are still going to charge with theft if sperm. The babies are cute no thanks to Ellis.
I know that I should feel relief but I was looking forward to being a grandmother. Gail is loving being a grandmother. Mia has had a few scares, but it was a false alarm. Things are looking better for us except Barnabas is reeking havoc at school. Charlie is a character with his friend Barnabas Collins. It is supposedly the name of a vampire from a tv show. Daniel has told him to leave Barnabas at home, but he says that Barnabas would be lonely.
I laugh about the antics that Barnabas has been up to at school and Anastasia frowns at me and tells me to speak to Charlie about what happened at recess. Apparently Charlie was accused of knocking a boy down for shoving a little girl down. Charlie just happened to be the closest to them and so he was blamed for shoving the boy down, but cctv footage show he wasn't close enough to shove the boy. But the boys appears to be shoved by something. This isn't the first time we were called about an event and they failed to check the cctv footage. There is something odd about each event, Charlie at one point was not even outside when a fight broke out and just as he walked out the bully who started the fight fell to the ground at his feet and his nose was bleeding. I swear I am starting to believe there is a Barnabas.
You are getting me in trouble Barnabas and dad is trying his best to keep me in school to get good education. Can you either stop hurting other students or stay home and watch out for the family while I go to school please. He tells me he will stay at home and I am to call him if I need him from here on out. He laughs at says people think I am your imaginary friend you know that right? I tell him I know it was right about that but we know you aren't a figment of my imagination.

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