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Lana couldn't sleep

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Lana couldn't sleep.

Lana also decided against going to Russia, she thought she should give New York a try; she wasn't liking it.

It didn't feel like home. Ever since Natasha had died, she seemed to have the same nightmares quite often. She also felt empty, it felt as if her heart had been ripped out over and over again.

The torture of the Red Room. The Widow remembers the day where herself, Yelena and Natasha were forced out of one another's arms.

The widow had no idea why her experience was different compared to everyone else. She was in no way saying she experienced worse. Everyone had suffered. She just didn't train with the other Widows, she never trained with her sisters or anyone else.

Before she was tested on, they trained her in some of the most painful ways possible, if she showed the slightest bit of weakness, there would always be a punishment.

It was as if it was waiting for her, like it was all prepared before hand. Waiting for her to fail. Her downfall.

There were certain days where she was aloud to see Yelena and Nat.

She remembered the guards would let her out of her solid, concrete wall cell for about ten minutes. Just so she could talk to them. That was the only time she ever smiled in the Red Room or even showed the slightest bit of emotion.

After a year of being in the Red Room properly, she never saw them as much as she could before. The minutes were limited. Because, that's when all the tests started.

The serum, the surgery, the programming, the suffering. Day by day Lana would slowly loose more of herself, not remembering stuff that happened in the past unless she was told she could remember.

She doesn't even know what she was injected with. But she did know one.

The super solider serum.

The Red Room were smart, but Anton was smarter. They were able to duplicate the formula once some stuff about HYDRA had been leaked. They saw that as their perfect opportunity; Lana saw it as death.

      There had only ever been two people to survive the serum. Captain America and the Winter Solider. And then there's the other failed super soldiers, but Lana doesn't want to even think about them.

   And know that they saw someone fit for the project, they took her and completely destroyed her.

Because of her biological parents enhancements, not super power enhancements, just the kind that increased your strength, your agility and everything in between. Anton wanted to make her a lethal weapon, an unbeatable weapon. He got his wish. Ripping a happy family apart just to get what he wanted. Anton always got what he wanted.

He was greedy. Selfish. Cruel. Uncaring. Manipulative.

     Because of this, she felt sorry for Yelena. She had suffered for so many years and Lana didn't even know. If she did she would've gotten her out immediately. On the topic of the White Widow, still no contact, which didn't surprise Lana.

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