Our little boy

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Stormie POV

"Here we are!" Mark exclaimed as we pulled up outside 'Sunny Days orphanage'. Rydel squealed. I laughed. "Orphanage for 0 to 5 year olds" Riker read aloud. "Yep." I smiled as we all got out of the car. "So we're defiantly getting a tiny kid" Ryland said. "Yeah. Either a girl or boy" I told them all. "Can we get a boy?" Rydel asked. "It depends who's in there" Mark told her before we all walked in.

There was a colourful reception. Pictures of rainbows painted on the walls with little pictures around the walls aswell. The orphanage looked nice and the door to where the kids were was open and there was a toy box in the corner. "Ah! You must be the Lynch's!" A blonde woman at the reception exclaimed as we entered. I nodded "D'you wanna come and see the kids then?" She asked. "Yea!" Rydel squealed. I laughed as we followed the woman.
Around the house was bright. Toys scattered everywhere along with pacifiers. In the kitchen there was a long table with highchairs,placemats, Plastic plates and cups along with sippy cups.
We got to the garden and saw children running around and baby's playing in a baby ring. There was a slide, swingset,tables and chairs, toys and a big grass area. I smiled as Rydel started to walk around. Rydel walked to the babies and Ryland, Riker and Mark went to see the other kids while rocky walked around with me. "Mom. Look" Rocky whispered,pointing at a little boy in the corner. He had blonde hair,pale skin and was holding onto a big old bear,watching the other kids play. He was really skinny and was flinching at loud sounds of the other kids but he looked like he wanted to play. He was wearing a white T-Shirt,Blue Jeans and no shoes or socks. I watched as he looked at the floor and started to lightly swing his legs."That's Ross. He had a hard past." Sarah,the woman from reception, told us. "How old is he?" Mark asked,walking over. "That's the worse part. He's only three" She told us. My eyes widened. "Can I go speak to him?" I asked. "Yeah of course"

I walked over to Ross and he looked up at me,"Hey honey" I greeted. "Who are you?" He asked,quietly. "I'm Stormie. I've come to adopt a child." I told him. "All the good kids are over there" he whispered pointing to where the others were. "I think you're a pretty good kid" I told him. He shook his head. "I'm not. You don't want me. No one does" he mumbled. "D'you wanna be adopted? By anyone?" I asked. He nodded "No one wants me though. I won't get adopted so I'll have to move when I turn five. If my other owners didn't want me who would?" he mumbled. "I know someone who does" I told him. "Who?" he asked. "Me." "Really?" "Yeah. You seem like a really nice boy. And my kids wanted a boy anyway" I smiled. He smiled slightly "You have a beautiful smile Ross. You should show it more often"

2 days later.

We all agreed that we wanted Ross after I introduced him to everyone, so today,I'm going to pick him up. His room is ready and he had lodes of toys and clothes ready for him. Rydel and the boys went on a shopping spree yesterday. Mark and I were shocked to say the least.
I got to the orphanage and walked in to see ross,sitting next to the reception. His small suitcase was in the corner and his bear was on his lap. He was biting his bottom lip and Sarah was smiling at him every few minutes. When I opened the door,the bell rang and Ross looked up and smiled."Stormie!" He exclaimed,running over and wrapping his arms around my legs. I lifted him up and hugged him. "ready to go little one?" I asked. He smiled as he nodded. "Let's go then" I smiled. I signed some papers before picking up Ross' suitcase "You be a good boy now" Sarah told him. "Okay" he smiled as I held his hand. "Let's go then"

We got to our house and I walked him inside. His eyes widened "What?" I laughed. "It's big" He mumbled. I laughed "Well it's a house for a lot of people" I smiled. He nodded as I lead him up to his room.
"This is your room" I told him as we walked into his room and I placed the suitcase on the floor . He had a bed with a border on the side,A TV In the corner,a small armchair,3 toy boxes full of toys and a wardrobe. "B-B-But...Its too big. Where's everyone else gonna sleep?" He asked. What sort of place did he live in before the orphanage? "In their rooms." I told him. "You have more rooms?" He asked shocked. I nodded "yeah of course we do" his eyes widened "Oh"

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