Playtime and Accident

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Stormies POV

Mark opened Ross' toys and put them on the floor. Ross sat on the floor and lifted up his doll as Rydel walked in. "Ooh. What you got?" She asked,sitting next to Ross. "A baby" He smiled. "Ah. Okay. Do you know how to hold a baby?" Rydel asked. Ross shook his head. Rydel took the doll off him and placed his arms in the correct position before placing the doll in his arms. Ross giggled. "that's cute" he laughed. Rydel took a picture. "Mom,don't we have all Ryland's old doll toys in the attic?" She asked me. All the boys played with Dolls once Rydel got her first one,Riker started playing with them and then Rocky started playing with them and then Ryland got all the toys and clothes for them. "Yeah. I'll get dad to get them down later." I told her "Get dad to do what later?" Mark asked,walking in. "Get Ryland's old toys down from the attic." Rydel told him. "Oh. I'll do that now" He smiled. I smiled as he headed upstairs.

Mark walked back downstairs with a big box and Riker was following with another box. Ross looked up as Mark placed them on the floor. "C'mere Ross" Rydel smiled. Ross nodded and followed Rydel over to the boxes. Rydel got a highchair out and placed it on the floor. "You put the baby in there." She told him. Ross held the doll and placed it in the seat. Rydel then lifted out the Dolls Crib. "This is where the baby sleeps" Rydel told him and then got the pram out. "And this is where you put the baby to push it around" She told him. "What are these?" Ross asked,pulling stuff out of a bag. "Those are things for the baby" Rydel smiled. "There's bottles and binkys and Diapers and wipes" Rydel told him. "Oohh" Ross giggled. "And there's lodes of clothes for Baby as well!" Ross exclaimed. I laughed before taking a picture of Ross and Rydel on the floor together. I posted it on Instagram captioned 'FOUND SOME OLD TOYS AND ROSS HAS TAKEN A LIKING TO THE DOLL ACCESSORIES! SO CUTE @RydelR5💗💛' I posted it and saw that Rydel had found the Changing mat. "Where you change the diaper!" Ross exclaimed. Rydel smiled and Nodded.

Later that day

Ross was sitting on the floor with his doll. He was treating it like a real baby which I find adorable. He was sitting on the floor,with the doll wrapped in a blanket in his arms while he gave it a bottle. Mark walked in and smiled. Ross stood up and carefully placed the doll into the crib. He kissed it's head before running over and sitting on my lap. "Baby's asleep" he whispered. I smiled "Really?" I whispered "Yeah. She falled asleep just then" he told me quietly before cuddling into my chest.

Ross climbed off me and walked over to the doll. He picked it up "She done a poo momma" He told me before starting to pretend to change the dolls diaper. He smiled once he finished. "Done it" he told me,lifting the doll up. He walked over and handed Mark the doll. "She's adorable" Mark smiled. Ross nodded before climbing onto my lap. "You look after her. I'm tired" He told Mark before turning over and closing his eyes. I laughed as Mark looked shocked. I grabbed a blanket and draped it over Ross,who curled up in my lap. "I'm your baby" He whispered. "You are" I laughed. He went to put his thumb in his mouth but I grabbed the pacifier off the side and placed that in his mouth. Within minutes Ross was asleep on my lap. I looked at Mark and he was still holding the doll. "Mark. Go put it in the crib" I laughed. He laughed before walking over and placing the doll into the tiny crib. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of a sleeping Ross. 'LONG HARD DAY OF PLAYING 💛' I posted it on Instagram before stroking Ross' hair.

90 minutes later.

Ross stirred in my lap as he started to wake up. "Baby. Are you awake?" I whispered. Ross nodded slightly. "Are you still tired?" I whispered. He nodded again. "Well you gotta get up now. It's not bedtime for about six hours." I told him. He opened his eyes and sat up,leaning on my shoulder. He started to fall asleep again "No no baby. Wake up" I told him. He opened his eyes and started to mess with my hair. Riker walked in and smiled. "Ross. Wanna play in the yard?" He asked. Ross smiled slightly and nodded. Riker smiled before taking him outside.

2 hours later.

All the kids were in the yard while I did the laundry. I was folding Marks shirt when I heard crying. I put the shirt down and turned around to see Ryland running in with Ross,who had blood pouring from his nose. "Oh Baby! What happened?!" I panicked as all the others ran inside. "Mom it was an accident!" Rocky exclaimed with tears in his eyes. I grabbed a rag and started to clean Ross' nose, "What happened?" I asked. "Me and Riker were playing catch with the football while Ross watched,and I threw the ball too aggressively and Riker dodged it but it hit Ross" Rocky told me,on the verge of breaking down. " was an accident honey. Don't worry. he's alright" I soothed. "Is it broken?" Rocky asked fearfully. "No honey. he's fine. Just abit bruised" I told rocky as Ross' nose stopped bleeding. "Ross I'm so sorry" Rocky whispered. "I-it-It's Ok-Okay r-Rock-ybear" Ross hiccuped. I smiled "You're okay" I soothed. Ross nodded as I rocked him in my arms. Everyone went outside apart from Rocky. "Mom. I'm so so sorry" he told me as tears spilt out of his eyes. "Rocky honey. It's alright. Ross is okay" I assured wiping his eyes . Ross nodded
"I'm okay Rocky"

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