The truth

437 21 6

Ross' POV

I sat at the lunch table on my own. Tony had taken my lunch money again. I didn't have any food. Someone sat opposite me. I looked up and saw Stephen "hey" he smiled. I smiled slightly "heard about your little fight yesterday" he smirked. I frowned again. "Where's your lunch?" He asked. "Don't want anything" I mumbled. "You need something. Where's your money?" He asked. "I don't have any" I mumbled. "Why?" He asked. I shrugged "did those kids take it?" He asked. I nodded slightly. "Sorry we didn't meet you yesterday. We got kept in for 5 minutes. By the time we got out we saw you being walked to the office" Alex explained, sitting next to Stephen. I nodded slightly "what did the devil say?" Alex asked, referring to the principle. I giggled slightly "called my mom and dad. They yelled at me and now I can't stay at the band house this weekend. And I'm in isolation all week" I explained. They sighed "that's not fair. You were sticking up for yourself"" Stephen sighed. I shrugged "Ross." I heard. I glanced at the door and saw Miss Dawson. She gestured for me to walk over. I nodded "bye" I mumbled before walking over to miss Dawson. She walked me too the office and into the isolation unit. "Did you have lunch?" Mr Andrews asked, he's the one who's in charge of the children who have gotten into trouble. I shrugged before siting down in the room. There are 5 rooms. We have to sit in silence and either do work or nothing. I have no work to do. Mr Andrews sat down with me and sighed "what's going on Ross? You're not like this" he sighed. I looked up and shrugged. "You can tell us. Whatever it is will be sorted" he assured. I shook my head as he sighed and patted my arm. "You can trust us when you feel ready to tell us okay?" He assured. I nodded slightly as he left. I need to tell someone.


I walked out of school and saw My mommy and Tony's mommy together. I walked over. "Tony is gonna come to our house for dinner tonight Ross. It's an apology for what you did" mommy told me. I nodded slightly. "Rikers gonna look after you with Ryland" mommy explained as tony joined us. I nodded slightly as we all walked towards our car.


We got home and Tony's mom left him with us. Mommy had gone into the kitchen. Tony glared at me "you better not have told anyone. Especially those boys" he snapped. "I didn't" I whispered. Mommy walked back in with daddy "Riker and RyRy are here. We're going out for a little while. Be good" daddy told me. I nodded slightly as Riker and Ryland walked in. Mommy and Daddy left "hey boys. We're gonna have fun tonight okay?" Ryland smiled. I smiled slightly. "We'll make some pizza okay?" Riker smiled. I nodded and so did tony. My brothers walked into the kitchen. "They're not fat are they?" Tony asked. I shook my head "doesn't explain why you are. You're ugly and fat. You're gonna eat that pizza and get huge" he whispered. I nodded, looking down. "Boys why don't you watch TV?"


Riker placed the pizza on the table and handed me and Tony a plate. "Help yourself boys" He smiled as Both Riker and Ryland grabbed a slice. Tony took one and I just stared. "You okay?" Ryland asked. I nodded slightly "way something then" Riker smiled. I shook my head "not hungry" I whispered. They furrowed their eyebrows. I glanced at Tony as he ate his pizza. He smirked as I looked down.

Rikers POV

I was doing the dishes with Ryland. "Something's going on with him. He punched someone and he's not eating and he's quiet. This isn't normal" Ryland sighed. I nodded "I'm gonna go check on them" I told him. I went to walk into the living room when I heard speaking "Can't believe they want you to eat Ross. Look at you. Disgusting" I heard Tony say. I pulled Ryland over so he could listen. "I mean. You're fat and ugly and no one loves you. Not to mention you're a freak" Tony spat. I stormed into the living room and pulled tony up "Listen. I HATE bully's. You're the pathetic one. You don't bully anyone. ESPECIALLY not my brother." I snapped. Tony looked ready to cry and so did Ross. "Listen. You apologise to Ross. NOW" Ryland yelled. Tony looked at Ross. "Sorry Ross" he whispered "Now. If I hear of you bullying him or ANYONE ever again. You will have us to deal with" I snapped. He nodded. "Moms home rike" Ryland told me. "Sit down" I snapped. Mom walked in and looked at Ross and Tony. "Ross? Why does Tony look scared?" She asked. "No. don't mom. Tony has something to admit" Ryland told her. Mom, Dad and Tony's parents looked at him. Tony took a deep breath "erm Ross hasn't been-been bullying me. I've been bullying him. He only punched me because I was gonna shove him down the toilet again." He told us. Mom covered her mouth "erm..I-I'm sorry that I hurt you Ross. I won't do it again" he whispered. Ross nodded slightly. "Stormie I'm so sorry. I had no idea." Tony's mom sighed. Mom nodded "come on Tony. Let's go" his dad snapped. They left and mom and dad looked at Ross and sighed. Ross broke down into sobs but dad lifted him up "I've got you. Shh it's okay" he soothed. "Ross. Why didn't you say anything?" Mom whispered. Ross sobbed even harder. "Shh. He's tired. It's late. We'll go into his school tomorrow and sort it all out. For now. I'm gonna take him to bed." Dad told him. "Thank you so much boys"

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