Feeling better and Snow play

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24th of December
Stormies POV

I walked into Ross' room to see him asleep. I smiled. He's almost 4 now. Recently he's been more comfortable around us. He started to perk up about a week after the fireworks. We're taking him to a snow play today. There's a place where you can go to play in the snow and we used to take the kids there a lot when they were younger. He's never seen snow before,or celebrated Christmas or his Birthday so we're all very excited to celebrate with him. I walked over to his bed and shook him awake. "Rossy. Come on baby,wake up" I whispered. He opened his eyes and groaned. "Come on. We're taking you somewhere today" I told him. Then he perked up alot. "Where?" He asked sitting up. "It's a surprise. But get ready"


We arrived at the snow play and Ross looked confused. Riker smiled "What's this?" Ross asked. Mark smiled "It's a special place." He laughed as we all got out. Everyone was going to play in the snow apart from me and Mark and we booked the whole thing to ourselves for 3 hours so it'll just be Ross and the kids. Ellington came too. We walked in and Ross was clutching my hand. He's not good in new places. Mark walked to the reception to book us in and Ross lifted him arms up. I smiled and lifted him up. Mark walked over and handed us all a wristband we have to wear. I put Ross' on before carrying him to the snow play area. Before going in,everyone put their winter jackets on and I put Ross' on. "But it's not raining" he told me. I smiled. "I know." I told him. Ross looked confused as I picked him back up.

Mark opened the door and we all walked into the snow play area. It was all real snow so it was really cold. Ross looked really confused. There was a ramp with Sleds and things to go down it with,there was also a little slide that Ross could go down. Riker, Rydel, Ratliff, Rocky and Ryland walked into the snow and smiled. Ross was clutching onto me. "It's snow." I told him. Rydel got a snowball and threw it at Riker. Ross giggled as I crouched down,with him in my arms. I lifted up some snow in my hand and Ross touched it. He pulled away quickly "that's cold" he told me. I nodded "It is" I smiled. Mark put some gloves on Ross and Ross touched the snow again.

"You wanna come play Ross?" Ryland asked. Ross looked worried but slowly stepped onto the snow. He crouched alone and started patting the snow. He giggled to himself as I stood up. Rydel crouched next to Ross and picked up some snow. "You know what you can do?" Rydel asked. Ross shook his head,patting the snow again. "You roll it into a ball and throw it at the boys" Rydel smirked. Ross smirked too,giggling before lifting up some snow in his hand. Both of them rolled the snow into a ball before throwing it at Rocky,who was standing on his phone. Rocky turned around as both Ross and Rydel stood up "You cheeky little thing!" He exclaimed. Ross giggled before running away with Rydel following. "This is war!" Rocky exclaimed. Ellington ran over to Ross and Rydel while Riker and Ryland ran to Rocky. I heard Ross giggling as they his behind the slide. Rocky's team his behind the ramp. "Mommy! Daddy! You play!" Ross exclaimed. "I can't play. I've hurt my back" Mark told Ross sadly. Ross frowned. "I'll play though" I smiled. Ross smiled before leading me over to his team.

3 hours later

We walked out of snow play and Ross was really hungry. "We'll stop at McDonald's before we get home and then we gotta start getting ready for tomorrow" I told him. "What's tomorrow?" Ross asked. I smiled "tomorrow is Christmas." "What's that?" "Christmas is when a big fat man with a white beard,called santa, brings everyone presents" Riker smiled,lifting Ross up. Ross nodded "do I get presents?" Ross asked. Mark smiled "of course you do!" He exclaimed. Ross nodded slightly and looked at me "What are presents?"

30 minutes later.

After explaining what presents were to Ross we started to drive to McDonald's. We finally got there and decided to get drive thru seeing as it was quicker and Ross was tired. Once we ordered and got the food we drove home. We walked in the house and gave out the food. Rydel put a Christmas movie on and Ross curled up on Ryland's lap,eating his McDonald's.

Later that night

"Momma. have I been a good boy?" Ross asked,walking into the kitchen. I turned around. "What?" I asked. "Ryland told me that we only get presents if we've been a good boy" Ross told me. "You've been a really good boy baby." I told him,crouching down to him. He rubbed the back of his leg with his foot. "No I haven't" he whispered. "How haven't you?" I asked. "I broke that bowl" he whispered. I smiled as I remembered


I walked into the kitchen with Ross one morning. "What D'you want for breakfast?" I asked,sitting him on the counter. "Erm...Lucky Charms!" He exclaimed. I laughed "Okay then baby. Get me a bowl" I told him. He nodded before climbing off the counter and finding a bowl. As he was walking with it,he tripped and dropped the bowl. It smashed into little pieces and Ross stepped back. "I'm sorry Mommy!" He exclaimed. I sighed. "It doesn't matter baby" I assured. He went to walk toward me "No. honey it's dangerous" I told him. Ross nodded before sitting on his chair.

Flashback over.

"Ross,baby that was an accident. Baby you've been a very good boy. I Promise"

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