Settling back down

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Stormies POV

Everyone got home while Ross was still asleep. Riker smiled "Is he better?" Ryland asked. "Ry. Ross won't be better for awhile. He just has to get more comfortable around us again. Brad's coming over today to speak to us. But Ross is getting better. He's defiantly feeling more comfortable around me. Now you have to make him feel comfortable so he knows we aren't gonna hurt him" I explained. Everyone Nodded before sitting on the couches.

Ross woke up and looked around at everyone as I placed a Pacifier in his mouth. Riker stood up and grabbed some of Ross' cars and put them on the floor. Ross watched as Riker started pushing them around. Riker looked at him and smiled "You wanna play?" Riker asked. Ross nodded slightly before hesitantly walking over and sitting next to riker,who handed him a car. Ross started playing with the cars while we all watched. He crashed it into rikers and Riker made the car flip over and did a high pitched squeal. Ross started laughing and Riker smiled. "Yellow cars always wins" Ross told him quietly around his Pacifier. Riker grabbed the blue car. "No way! Blue cars" He laughed. Rydel walked over and picked up the pink car. "Nope. Always Pink" she smiled. Rocky sat down and grabbed the green one "Nuh Uh. Green. Defiantly" Ross giggled and Ryland sat next to them. "Red All the way" He laughed,lifting up a red car. I smiled as Mark wrapped his arm around me "Why don't we have a race?" Riker suggested. "Yeah. And the winner gets...." Rydel trailed off. "$10 from each of us." Rocky exclaimed. He knew Ross couldn't pay but he still $30 if he won. "And cookies!" Ross exclaimed. I smiled,he's more comfortable already. Everyone nodded and set up their cars in a line. "First one to the fireplace" Ryland told them. Everyone nodded,they were about 2 feet away from it. "On your marks" Mark started "Get set" I joined. "Go!" We said in unison. All the kids pushed their cars towards the fireplace. I watched as the yellow one got there first. "Ross wins" me and Mark said in unison. "What?! Nooo" Riker whined. Ross giggled "Yellow always wins!" He exclaimed. Me and Mark smiled at each other "I'll get the cookies" Mark laughed,standing up. "Pay up!" Ross giggled. "Okay Okay" Ryland laughed. Everyone gave Ross $10 and Ross smiled. "Thankies" he smiled. Mark walked in and placed the plate of cookies on the floor. Ross smiled and grabbed a cookie before sitting on Rydel's lap. Everyone smiled as the doorbell rang. "Who's that?" Rocky asked. "Brad. Just checking up on little one" I explained before walking to the door.

Brad walked in and smiled when he saw Ross eating and letting someone touch him. "How's he been doing?" Brad asked. "Really well. he was a bit nervous at first but he's calmed down now" I explained. Ross saw brad and ran over with his $40. "Look what I winned!" Ross exclaimed,holding up the money. "Wow! How D'you win that?" Brad asked,crouching next to him. "We had a race and I winned" Ross smiled. Brad nodded "Can Mommy,You and I have a little talk?" Brad asked. Ross frowned "Ard you sending me back?" He whispered,on the verge of tears. Brad shook his head "No no no! Just talking about how you're feeling" brad smiled. Ross nodded and followed us to the kitchen.

I sat in the corner while Brad and Ross talked. "How are you Ross?" Brad asked. "Are you feeling better?" Ross nodded "Are you still In pain?" Ross nodded again "But Mommy gives me Medicean"

Later that night.

Ross sat at the table as I made dinner. His Pacifier was in the living room somewhere and He was banging on pans and cups as I laughed and pretended to dance. Mark walked in "That's very loud ross" he laughed. Ross smiled at Mark as Mark took the spoons and pan off ross. "Awh" Ross giggled. "Almost dinner now honey" I told him. Ross nodded as Mark started to pour drinks. "D'you want milk buddy?" He asked Ross,who nodded. "Sippy cup" he told Mark. "Okay" Mark smiled. I walked over to my husband "Ross is gonna be famous someday. I can feel it" I whispered. "Little musician huh?" He laughed. I nodded "DINNER!" I yelled as I placed the hamburgers and salad on the table. Mark placed the drinks on the table as everyone walked in. Ross started drinking his milk as I placed a burger and some salad on his plate.

After dinner,we told the kids they could have a movie night as long as they're quiet so they started to call their friends and set up the bed sheets on the floor. Mark had gone to the store to get some snacks for them and I was getting Ross ready for bed. He wasn't going to bed yet but when he falls asleep it'll be easier to get him to bed.

We walked downstairs and saw Rydel with her friends. Ross was clutching on to my hand and on to his teddy bear.He had a Pacifier in his mouth and looked adorable. Riker smiled at Ross who smiled back. "D'you wanna come sit with us?" Riker asked. Only Savannah Latimer, Savannah Hudson, Laura, Raini, Courtney and Alexa were here and still lodes were on their way. Ross looked at everyone who smiled. The boy slowly walked over to Riker and sat on his lap.

Rydel's POV

Mom left the room as Ross looked at Alexa,who smiled. "Leca" he mumbled getting up of Riker and slowly walking over to Alexa. He looked nervous as he stood in front of her. "Hey Rossy" Alexa smiled,opening her arms. Ross smiled slightly before slowly sitting on her lap. I smiled as Ross leaned onto Alexa. Courtney smiled,she'd never met Ross before so she obviously wanted a cuddle but she couldn't. "Im here!" We heard. Calum was here. He walked in and smiled at Ross. "Hey buddy. High Five!" Calum exclaimed,putting his hand near Ross. Ross hesitantly lifted his hand up and then hit Calum's hand hard. Calum pretended to fall backwards and Ross started laughing. mom walked in smiling "Ross,it's Bedtime little one"

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