Family and Fear

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Stormies POV

"Higher!" Ross giggled as I pushed him on the swing. "We're going as high as we can Rossy" Rydel laughed. Ross smiled as I slowed him down. The swing came to a stop and Ross ran towards Rydel. I smiled "That's as fast as you've ran in ages!" Rydel laughed,lifting him up. "Sl-Sli-Slide?" Ross stuttered. "Of course!" Rydel exclaimed. Ross smiled as Delly put him down "Go sit on the bench mom. I'll look after him" She assured. I smiled "Thanks delly" I smiled "Delly!" I heard Ross scream. I saw him standing next to the slide as Rydel ran over.

I was watching Ross and Rydel on the slide when a woman with a baby walked over. "That's what I've got to look forward to huh?" She laughed. I smiled and nodded "They're great when they're happy" I laughed. She smiled "How old is he?" She asked. "3. Almost 4. What about this little one?" I asked. "Almost 1." she smiled. "Just learning to walk?" I asked seeing her tiny shoes. "Yep. She getting pretty good at it. What age was yours when you taught him?" She asked. "We adopted him a few months back. I didn't teach him to walk. His no good real parents did I guess." I told her. "Aaah. I thought I recognised him and your daughter. She's in R5 right? My other daughters a fan" She told me. I smiled. "Awh. How old is she?" I wondered "10. she's a huge fan! Where are the others?" She asked. "at home. Me and Rydel wanted to spend some time with Ross" I smiled. "What's her name?" I asked as the baby grabbed my finger. "Scarlett. And my other Daughter is called Allison" She told me. "Awh. They're beautiful names" I smiled as Ross ran over. "Hey honey" I smiled as Rydel followed. "M-Mommy. Ry-Rydel is Tired" he giggled. "I don't blame her. You haven't stayed still since we got here." I laughed. He smiled and looked at the baby. "Who th-that?" He asked. I smiled "That's Scarlett" I told him. He climbed onto the bench next to the woman. "Why has-hasn't she got lo-lon-long hair?" Ross asked. "Because she's very little." The woman told him. "Why?" Ross asked. "because she's only 11 months old" The woman told him. "That's v-ve-very sm-sm-small" Ross told her. "It is" the woman laughed. "Where did you bu-buy her?" Ross asked. "Ross!" Rydel exclaimed but the lady laughed "No. it's alright. I didn't buy her honey." She told Ross. "Th-then where d-did you-" I cut him off. "I think it's time that we go baby. It's starting to get cold"

We got home and I saw Mark and the boys sitting on the couch,eating popcorn, watching a movie. "Boys, I thought we were going out for dinner?" I asked. "Yeah we are" rocky smiled. I rolled my eyes. "Go get ready"


We were sitting in the restaurant together. Ellington was with us Aswell. Ross was sitting next to me and swinging his legs. "D'you want pizza or pasta or nuggets?" I asked him. "Pa-Pasta." Ross told me. "Okay. D'you want salad or fries?" I asked him. "Stormie,bad question" Mark laughed. I smiled "Both?" I asked. Ross nodded. Once we ordered the food I took a picture of the family at the dinner table. I went on Instagram and posted it 'FAMILY MEAL 💗'


We paid for the meal and headed back to the car. Ross was really tired and was holding Rocky's hand. "I'll take you to bed when we get in" I told Ross,who nodded.

When we arrived home I took Ross upstairs. I quickly gave him a bath before getting him into his pyjamas. "Mo-Mom-Mommy. C-C-Can I s-sl-sleep in your b-bed?" He asked. "I've said this every night baby boy. No ones gonna get you." I told him. "Please" he begged. "No honey. Go to sleep okay?"

We were all watching a movie downstairs when I heard a scream. I ran upstairs and saw Ross at the top if the stairs crying. "What's wrong baby?" I asked. "I heard a No-Noise" he whimpered. "Come with Me." I whispered. We walked downstairs "Mark get the ladder and try an get into Ross' room"

Me and Ross were next to the window with Mark on the outside. "It can't open" I told Ross. Mark was pushing it and shaking it. "I-it could br-break" Ross mumbled. "Actually" I gave Mark a thumbs up and he punched the bulletproof,unbreakable window. "It won't break. Well,from the outside"

"Check the bed?" Ross asked. I nodded before checking under the bed. "nothing" I smiled. "Wa-wardrobe?" He asked. I walked over to the wardrobe and opened it. "Nothing baby. Now,go to sleep." I whispered. He nodded as I kissed his head. "Sleep well baby boy"

The next morning

I walked into Ross' room and saw him asleep with the covers over his mouth. I smiled and walked over. His hair was all over the place and his mouth was wide open. I smiled before walking out and downstairs.
I started to make breakfast when everyone apart from Ross came downstairs and sat at the table. Mark made the boys a coffee and me and Rydel a cup of tea. I set all the pancakes on the table with fruit and toppings. "It's just like it was before we adopted Ross" Ryland laughed. "Yeah. It seems weird now" Riker laughed. I nodded as Ross ran in with tears down his cheeks. "M-momma" he sobbed. "What's wrong?" I asked. "My teeth's wobbly" he told me,scared. I laughed. "Show me" He opened his mouth and wobbled his tooth. "Awh. That's supposed to happen!" Ryland laughed. Ross looked confused. Rydel smiled at Ross"Awh. Rossy. come on. I'll explain"

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