Too hot and Early Morning

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Stormies POV

The tea party was fine. Mark and I were doing the dishes when Ross walked in. "Mommy. I have a headache" he told me. Mark and I looked at him. He was sweating heavily. "D'you want some Medicean?" I asked. He nodded. I lifted him up and sat him on the counter. I got some Medicean and gave him some. "Can I have water please?" He asked. I nodded and gave him a bottle of water. He downed it within seconds. Me and mark exchanged looks. "Can I have more please?" He asked. I handed him another bottle. He did the same. "Honey are you okay?" I asked. "Thirsty" he told me. I handed him more water and he drank it fast. I was about to hand him another one but he threw up. It was really hot today. I placed my hand on his head and he took the water off me. Mark started to clean up the vomit. "Honey D'you feel dizzy?" I asked. Ross nodded. "Are you tired?" Mark asked. Ross nodded. "When was the last time you pee peed?" I asked. "Morning" Ross gasped as he drank more water. Me and Mark looked at each other. "Heatstroke" we said in unison. I lifted him up and took him into the living room. "Mark. Call Riker. He's on his way over. Tell him to grab some sports drinks. They'll rehydrate him." I ordered. My husband nodded before pulling out his phone. I turned the air conditioning on before walking over to my son on the couch. I pulled off his shirt and jeans. Leaving him in his underwear. I lay him on the couch and stood up. "Stay there" I whispered before walking back to the kitchen. I wet a rag with cold water before walking to Ross. I covered his forehead with it. I grabbed a magazine before starting to fan him. I ran a hand through his hair. "Hot, momma" he told me. I nodded. "I know. Just lie here. You'll feel better soon"

The next morning

I stepped out of the car before walking to Ross' door. I opened his door and helped him out of the car. We were doing some grocery shopping because The kids and their couples are coming over tonight. "Can I have some strawberries mommy?" Ross asked as we walked into the store. I smiled "of course you can. Are you feeling better today?" I asked. "Yeah. I'm still tired though" he smiled. I nodded "hopefully that'll pass"

15 minutes later

I was holding Ross' hand and leading him to the toy isle. He's been so strong recently. He deserves something. We got there and Ross smiled "go get yourself something. You can get whatever you like" I smiled. Ross smiled widely before walking towards the cars. I followed and saw him inspecting the cars carefully. "Can I have that one?" Ross asked, pointing at a garage with 8 cars in it. I smiled and nodded before placing it in the cart. I saw the race track too. It was on sale. "D'you want the race track aswell?" I asked. Ross smiled "really?!" I laughed and nodded. My son nodded furiously so I placed the track in the cart too. "Thank you mommy! I love you!" Ross squealed hugging me. I smiled before hugging him back. "I love you too. Cmon lets go pay"

35 minutes later.

I was unpacking the shopping in the kitchen while Ross was standing at the door. I turned around and saw Ross holding up some food. I laughed and took them from him. "Almost done now. Then we'll open your toys"

20 minutes later.

I walked into the living room to see Ross smiling widely. I opened his toys before putting the track together. I glanced up at my son who was staring wide eyed. "Is it done?" He whispered as I placed the last bit onto the track. I smiled and nodded "yep. Go on then." I smiled. Ross grabbed his cars and placed them on the track. "Thank you mommy!"


Ross was still playing with his cars when the doorbell rang. "Who's that?" Ross asked. I shrugged before walking towards the door. I opened it to see Connor and Cheryl. "Hi Stormie. Sorry for not calling. Connor was desperate to see Ross." Cheryl laughed. I smiled "no don't worry. Come on in." I smiled and they both stepped inside. Connor was smiling up at me. "He's in the living room sweet" I smiled. He nodded before running into the living room. Cheryl sighed. "How's he been?" She asked. "Tired. ill. So one. How're you? You look really tired" "Connors so worried about Ross. He's always asking to see him and he barely sleeps so he's keeping us awake and then there's work" she sighed and we both walked into the kitchen. "I really wish I could help. I could have Connor but Ross is being so difficult and waking up in the night in pain I don't think that's good for either of them" I told her "hopefully now he's seen Ross he'll sleep tonight"

The next day

I woke up to see my bedroom empty. I heard giggling from downstairs. Mark and Ross were playing. I walked downstairs and saw Ross eating pancakes Infront of the TV as Mark did the dishes. "Hey sweetheart. You okay?" I asked. "Yeah. Rikey is taking me outs today" he smiled. I smiled "that's good honey. Where you going?" I asked. "We go shopping wif Vanni and McDonald's" he smiled widely. I smiled "you stay safe and be good then" I smiled. He nodded "I promised daddy I would. And I promised Rikey that I would too" he smiled. I kissed his head "that's a good boy. You sure you're feeling okay?" I asked. He smiled "yes mommy. Rikey wants me to take my Medicean just Incase" he smiled. I nodded
"okay baby. You stay safe though."

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