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Rikers POV

Ross was in the car with me and my girlfriend. He was looking out of the window and I was driving really safely. I couldn't risk hurting Ross again. We arrived at the mall and I sighed in relief.

I helped Ross out of the car and he smiled at me. "Where we going?" He asked. "We need to get Vanni and I some new clothes and maybe some cute stuff for you" I explained. He nodded and I carried him into the mall.


We were in the store while Vanni was trying on a dress. Ross was following me around and holding onto the small bag with his new movie in it. We bought him a random Disney film that he found. I walked to the kids isles and saw some t-Shirts. I walked over and saw a few with cute slogans. Including ones about siblings.
'If you think I'm cute, you should see my big brother'
I smiled before finding his size. "D'you want it?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "I hold it?" He asked. "No it's okay bro. I will." I assured. He smiled again and nodded. I looked at the other shirts.
'Mommy made me wear this'
I picked up that.
'I was worth the wait'
'I'd rather be asleep'
'Mommy's little prince'
'Daddy's little champion'
'I'm as cute as my siblings'
I picked them up and then walked to the jeans. I looked down at Ross and he smiled up at me. He deserves to be spoiled. It's my fault he was hurt. I found a few pairs of jeans in his size and picked them up. "What you doing Rikey?" He asked. "I'm spoiling you. You deserve it" I explained. He hugged my leg. "Love you Rikey" he smiled. "I love you too little one"

We were walking towards the pyjamas when I spotted some flannel shirts. "Come on" I smiled. Ross followed and I saw some shirts which match mine. I automatically picked them up. "You don't have to Rikey" Ross told me. "I know baby. But you've had a hard month and you deserve it" I smiled. He smiled too. We walked towards the pyjamas and I saw some cute onesies. One was a puppy. One was a bear. One was batman. I picked them all up and got him some 'big boy' pyjamas. Mickey Mouse pair, a paw patrol pair and a jungle book pair. I made sure Ross was next to me and walked towards the shoes. I bought Ross a pair of black high top converse, blue low top converse, white high top converse, red low top converse and some black dress shoes. Vanni walked over with her shopping. "They all fit. You had fun?" She laughed. Ross and I nodded. "I'm gonna pick a few jackets and then we'll go for lunch"

10 minutes later

Vanni took Ross out of the store while I payed. "That'll be $150.75" the woman smiled. I nodded before paying on my card. "Brother or son?" She asked. "Brother. He's been in a car accident and I thought he deserved a treat" I explained. She smiled "that's so cute. Enjoy your day" she smiled. I took the bags. "Thanks. You too" 

I walked out of the store to see Ross sitting on the bench and my girlfriend next to him. "Hey. Shall we go for lunch?" I asked. They both smiled and nodded and we headed to McDonald's.

I ordered the food and gave it to my girlfriend and brother. Ross opened his chicken nuggets and started to eat his fries. "Thank you Rikey. I love you" he smiled. "I love you too baby" I smiled. Vanni looked at me "how much?" She asked. "Doesn't matter" I assured, biting my burger. "Rike..." I looked at her "$150." I whispered. "Here" she pulled out her purse. "It's fine baby"


We got back to the band house and Ross hugged my leg. "What's up rossy?" I asked, lifting him up. "Can I stays here tonight?" He asked. "Shall I call mommy and ask?" I smiled. I wanted him too. "Yes Rikey please!!!" He yelled. "Okay. Go play with Vanni and I'll call mommy" I told him, placing him down. He nodded before running into the living room.
I dialled moms number.
"Hey mom."
"Hey baby. Everything okay?"
"Yeah. I was wondering if Ross can stay over tonight?"
"Erm. I guess. But you need to come and get his Medicean and clothes."
"Yeah that's fine. We've bought him loads of new clothes so we'll only need his underwear and Medicean"
"In that case I'll just come over"
"You sure"
"Yeah baby. I'll see you in abit"
She hung up and I saw vanni walk in. "Hey baby" I smiled. She kissed me. "Hey. Ross staying tonight?" She asked. I nodded "moms coming to drop his Medicean here" I told her. Ross ran in with Rocky's shirt and beanie on. "Where you get that from baby?" I asked. "The couch." He smiled. I smiled "I'm rocky" he giggled. I laughed as the door opened and rocky walked in. He looked at Ross "oh my god it's a clone!" Rocky gasped. Ross giggled and ran over "im not a clone rocky" he laughed. Rocky smiled "is that Ross?" Rocky asked. Ross giggled and nodded "oh my gosh. I wouldn't have known" Ross giggled and hugged rocky. "You okay?" He asked. Ross nodded "I'm staying tonight" he smiled. Rocky smiled "good. I've missed you baby" rocky kissed his head "I love you" Ross whispered. Rocky smiled "I love you too"

90 minutes later

Mom had dropped the medicine and Ross was running around the house with rocky and Ellington. Ross ran into the kitchen and opened the cupboard before climbing in and closing it. I laughed as so did Rydel. Ell walked in "where's he gone?" He asked. We laughed and Ross giggled. Ell opened the door and Ross laughed "you're amazing" Ell laughed. Ross smiled "I know."

GUYS IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPLOADED. IVE HAD SUCH BAD WRITERS BLOCK!!! Please tell me some ideas if you can ❤️❤️ I'll update ASAP

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