The Big Bang

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Stormies POV

Ross was eating his dinner as the rest of us talked. I saw Ross' hand sneak onto my plate and take some peas. "Cheeky!" I laughed. Anna smiled as Ross shoved the peas in his mouth with a cheeky smiled. I laughed "we have more peas in the kitchen. D'you want some?" I asked. Ross nodded so i bought the bowl of peas in and spooned some onto Ross' plate. Ross started eating them and the salad.

After dinner I took Ross up for a bath. A police man stood outside the bathroom while I cleaned my son and got him dressed. Once Ross was in his pyjamas I carried him back downstairs. "Can I show brad my counting?" Ross asked. I smiled and nodded as I placed him on the floor.

"Brad. I can count to 40!" Ross exclaimed. Brad smiled "wow. Shall we test you?" He asked. Ross nodded so brad sat on the floor. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed Ross' cup from the cupboard. I poured the milk into the cup and placed it in the microwave. I heard bushes rustling outside. I looked out of the window and saw boots in the bushes near the pool. I walked into the living room. "Officer" I said. The police man looked at me and i motioned for him to follow me. I pointed at the bushes and he saw the boots too. I got Ross' milk from the microwave and scooped the hot chocolate powder into it. "I'll go check it out." He told me. I nodded "be careful" I told him as I placed the lid on the cup. He nodded before walking out the door. I walked into the living room and handed Ross his cup. He smiled "thank you momma" he smiled drinking it. I smiled. "You're welcome little one"

10 minutes later.

The police man walked in with a pair of boots. "Nothing" he told us. "No one owns those boots here." Mark told him. "Then he had to of been here" brad said. Ross walked over and sat on my lap. "What are we supposed to do?" I asked. "Stay up all night. Hoping he returns"

30 minutes later.

I lay Ross In his bed and covered him with his covers. He had passed out 15 minutes ago. I looked up at Mark. "You sure you're okay sleeping here?" I asked. Mark nodded. "We'll take turns until Michael is found." He told me,kissing my head. I smiled before leaving the room and heading to bed.


I woke up to screaming. I ran to Ross' room with the police and brad behind me. We walked in and saw Mark hugging Ross as they stood near a broken window. Brad walked over and saw a ball on the floor. He lifted it up and saw a note. He read it and handed it to me. 'I'm coming. Watch your backs. I'll watch your every move. Like I've been watching your children' I dropped the note. "He's watching the kids" I told Mark. He sighed. "They should stay here too. Just to be safe" a police man said I nodded. "I'll call them"


The kids got here and Ross ran over to Rydel. "What's going on?" Rocky asked, seeing the police men. "Michaels escaped from prison" Mark told them as they placed their bags on the couch. "They've been watching you. He's coming" brad explained. Riker shuddered "that's creepy"

6 hours later

Ross and Riker were playing snap when we heard the door open. Everything went silent. We were all in the kitchen. "Ah. There you are." We heard. "It's Michael" I whispered. The officers grabbed their guns. "Two in one. Perfect" the officers walked out. "Hands up!" They shouted. I walked out to see Michael with Riker in a headlock and was holding Ross who was shaking and crying. Michael laughed at the officers. "Shoot. You'll just kill the kids too" he smiled. I looked at Riker. He had his fists clenched and was staring at me. I always taught them to never use violence. I nodded. Riker smiled before punching Michael in his private parts. This resulted in Michael releasing Riker and dropping Ross. Riker picked Ross up before running towards us. i took Ross into my arms and The police man shot and Michael fell too the ground. Ross ran over and looked at the man on the floor.

He had tears running down his face. Michael was dead. His real father was dead. My four year old was standing infront of his dead father. We all watched as Ross sat down. Michael moved slightly. Ross looked at him as Michael raised his hand and stroked Ross' small cheek. "I'm...Sorry" Michael choked out. Ross nodded "I know. Me too" he whimpered. Michaels eyes rolled back and he went limp. Ross stared at him. Ross looked down and moved his hand onto michael's arm "Dad"

2 hours later.

Ross hasn't talked. They took Michael away and cleaned the house for us. The police men left and brad and Anna had gone home. I told the kids to go but Riker refused. Ross was just staring at the floor with a blank expression. I don't blame him, he watched his real dad get shot and killed. Riker walked over and crouched next to Ross. "You hungry buddy?" He asked Ross shook his head. Riker turned on disney junior "oh look what's on" he smiled. Ross glanced up "I don't know" he mumbled. Riker walked over and sat next to Ross. "You okay?" He whispered. Ross shook his head. "You loved him huh?" Riker whispered. Ross nodded "even if he hated me I loved him" Ross whimpered. Tears trickled from his eyes as my eldest son wrapped him in a hug. I walked over as Ross started hysterically sobbing. I kissed both my son's heads as Riker hugged Ross tighter. "Is it my fault?" Ross whimpered. I stroked his hair "No baby Boy." I assured. Ross looked up at me "I love you Momma"

I smiled

"I love you too baby. We'll be okay"

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