Christmas day and Night at Mamoo's

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The next morning.
Stormies POV

I woke up to knocking at the bedroom door.Me and Mark put our glasses on and I looked at the time 7:30am. "Come in" Mark smiled. The door opened and Ross and Ryland ran in. "It's Christmas!" Ryland exclaimed. Ross looked happy because I promised him he will have presents. "Yeah." I smiled as Ross climbed into my lap. "You excited?" Mark asked. Ross nodded. "Mooooommm!" We heard. Them Riker and Rocky burst into the bedroom. "Good Morning." I laughed. Rydel walked in and sat on the bed "Shall we go open our presents?" I asked everyone. Ross nodded as everyone stood up and I carried him downstairs.

Ross opened all his presents and I've never seen him so happy. Honestly I think he was abit overwhelmed.
He got;
•New cars
•A new bedset
•A children's camera
•A small keyboard
•A small drum set
•A small guitar
•New T-Shirts
•New Jeans
•2 pairs of R5 converse
•a pair of normal converse
•A hamper of treats
•New sweaters
•a hoodie
•4 New Onesies
•A new Teddy Bear
•2 books
•Some new DVD's
•Glow in the dark stars for his room
•A train nightlight
•3 blankets
•A chalkboard
•A box of Chalk
•A pair of overalls and a long sleeved white shirt (From Rocky and Riker so they all can match)
•a dream catcher
•A toy Panda
•A farmyard animal set
•Colouring books
•Coloured Pencil Crayons
•Normal Pencils
•Normal Pens
•Coloured Pens
•Gel Pens
•Felt Tips
•A Ball Pitt
•1000 Colourful plastic balls for the ball Pitt
And a lot more.

He had finished piling up all his presents when Rydel smiled "Rossy. This ones for you too" She told him. Ross turned around and took it off her. He opened it and smiled slightly. "What is it?" Riker asked "New R5 Shirt" Ross smiled. "Awh D'you like it?" Rocky asked. Ross nodded slightly. "Thankies!" He exclaimed. We all smiled "Now who wants breakfast?"

For breakfast everyone had pancakes with whipped cream and fruit. Riker and rocky got Ross dressed and then we were gonna head to my moms. She's only met Ross once and that was just after Ross had been raped so she's looking forward to see him again. "Everyone ready to go?" I asked as I tied Ross' R5 converse on. "Yep!" Everyone replied. I smiled "Let's go then"

30 minutes later

We arrived at my moms and I picked Ross up. All the kids got out of the car and walked to the house with me and Ross following. My mom opened the door and smiled "Babies! How are you all?!" She exclaimed. Ross clutched Onto me and I smiled. My mom hugged each one of the kids and Mark. I hugged my mom after putting Ross down "Hi mom" I smiled as we separated. My mom smiled before crouching down next to my legs,where Ross was hiding. "Hey Ross" she smiled. Ross looked at her and shot her a small smile as he stepped out from behind me. "You want your presents?" Mom asked. Ross nodded slightly and my mom stood up. "C'mon then"

All the kids opened their presents and my parents started to serve food. Ross had chicken nuggets,vegetables and some crackers. He sat on the floor as my dad got some Christmas crackers and gave one to everyone. Ross looked at it confused. "They're Christmas crackers. You pull them and they bang. Inside there's a little present" Ryland explained. Ross nodded and Ryland held onto the other side of his. "Pull it" Rydel encouraged. Ross pulled it and it banged. Ross jumped and he saw that he had won. He smiled and Ry got the little present and the hat out. He placed the paper hat on Ross' head and he smiled slightly. "This is what you won" Ryland smiled,handing Ross a small spinning top. Ross smiled slightly. "That's funny" he giggled. I smiled as Ryland stood up. "You eat your food now"

Later that day

We were all watching a Christmas movie with Hot cocoa at my moms. Ross was lying on the floor, with his back turned away from me. I looked at the time 8:30pm. I looked at the kids and saw them all snuggled up on one couch. I looked at my mom and saw her pick up Ross' cup from next to him. "Looks like someone's first proper Christmas was abit tiring" she laughed. I stood up and looked at ross. He was fast asleep,his hair infront of his eyes and he had hot cocoa around his mouth. I smiled. "Awh. We should get home then" I laughed. "Nonesense. Why don't you move him to the guest room? He should wake up soon" Mom suggested. I nodded so Mark lifted the boy up and took him upstairs.

2 hours later

I peeked into the guest room and saw Ross still asleep,cuddled up under the double bed's covers. Mom walked up behind me. "Why don't you both stop here tonight? The others can go home and you can sleep in the other guest room" she suggested. I looked at Ross. I couldn't disturb him. "Okay. Thanks mom"

The next morning.

I woke up to screaming. I dived out of the guest room bed and ran into the room where Ross was staying. He was screaming and sobbing. "Baby. Baby what's wrong?" I asked,lifting him into my arms. "I thinked you left me" he whimpered. I shook my head "I'm not gonna leave you honey" I soothed. "I gotta go potty" he whispered. I smiled and placed him on the floor. "You go potty, I'll just be downstairs."

I walked downstairs and saw me parents at the table. "Hey honey. Is he alright?" Mom asked. "yeah. he just thought I abandoned him. It must be scary to wake up in a new place" I told her. She nodded "Poor Boy. he's been through too much"

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