Thunder storms and big news

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Stormies POV

After Susan left I sighed in relief. We get to keep him. My baby boy. They're not gonna take my little boy away from me. I smiled widely and leaned on the wall. He's ours. Ross is staying. Mark walked over and held my hands "So?" He asked hopefully. "She agrees he's happy here so we get to keep him" I exclaimed. He smiled as wrapped me in a hug. I hugged back and he kissed my cheek "Thank god." Ross ran out and stopped in front of us. Looking up at us. "Mommy? Daddy?" me and Mark separated and Looked at him "Yeah baby?" I smiled. "Im abit hungers Can I have a cookie please?" He asked with a smile. I nodded as Mark smiled and said "Of course you can buddy!"

That night R5 was doing a show so I was getting Ross ready for bed. Mark was with them to drive the van "Did you have a good day today?" I asked Ross as I took his shirt off. He was still getting ready for bed. He hasn't had a nap today do he's really tired. He nodded,yawning "yeah momma" he whispered. I smiled. "Good" Once he was in his pyjamas I started to brush his hair. I was humming a lullaby and I started to see his head droop forward from the back. Within a few minutes he fell forwards completely but I caught him quickly and slowly picked him up. His eyes were closed and his bangs had flopped infront of his eyes. I lay him on his bed and covered him with his covers and a blanket. He stirred and turned onto his side, tiredly grabbing his teddy and pulling it close to him before going back to sleep. I kissed his head before whispering "Sleep well my little prince"

Later that night

I was watching a reality show while drinking a cup of tea. It was raining outside and a thunderstorm was due tonight. The door opened and Mark and the kids walked in. "Hey" I smiled. They all smiled back before walking over and sitting on the couch. "Ugh mom I'm so tired" Ryland groaned, lying next to me. "Awh baby. Why don't you head up to bed then? Have a rest" I whispered, stroking his hair. He nodded before going to bed. I looked at everyone else "And the rest of you"


"Mommy" I heard. I opened my eyes and saw Ross. "Baby? what's wrong?" I whispered,seeing the tears running down his face. He had his yellow blanket wrapped around his body over his pyjamas and he was shaking. His blonde hair was sticking up everywhere I  heard thunder as lightning struck as Ross flinched. He looked terrified "I'm scared" he whimpered as more tears poured out of his eyes. "Awh come on honey" I whispered as I pulled him up into the bed. He climbed under the covers and I kissed his head "You scared of the thunder and lightning?" I asked. He nodded "I didn't hear it from my closet when I lived with Michael and Alyssa" he told me. Closet? "It's not scary" I whispered. "But there's flashes and bangs and it's really scary mommy" he sobbed hysterically. "Mom" I heard. The door opened to reveal Ryland. Everyone has been scared of thunder and lightning since they were a baby "Hey. you scared too?" I asked. Mark woke up and smiled at Ross. Ross snuggled up to him and Mark kissed his head "Yeah. Can I?" Ryland asked. "Of course"Mark smiled. "Can I too?" Riker asked,peeking his head through the door. Our bed was pretty big,it could fit us and all the kids in. "Sure" I laughed. He may be an adult but he will always be my baby boy. Once we were all lying down,the door opened and rocky and Rydel appeared. "Come on" Mark laughed. They both walked over and lay with us. There was a flash of lightning and a crash of thunder. Ross whimpered as all the others jumped "Good night kids" I whispered. They all replied with a quiet "Night"

I woke up around 9:45. I saw all my kids still asleep. Ross was lying on top of Mark ,who was still asleep. Rydel was cuddled up to Mark and Riker. Riker had ryland hugging him. Rocky had his head on Ryland's chest. I smiled and grabbed my phone from the bedside table. I took a picture of them all and posted it on Instagram 'ALL MY BABYS FAST ASLEEP💗'

I walked downstairs and started to make breakfast. I was making pancakes, waffles and French toast seeing as though everyone had a busy day today. R5 had 4 interviews, Mark had a meeting about the next R5 tour and Ross and I were going to do a big food shop. After about 10 minutes I heard footsteps. I placed the French toast on the table as Mark,Rydel,Riker and Rocky walked in. "Good Morning babies" I smiled as Mark kissed me. "Where's the others?" I asked. "go see" Rydel laughed.

I opened my bedroom door to see Ryland and Ross cuddling in bed. I smiled and pulled put my phone. I took a picture and posted it on Instagram 'TWO YOUNGEST STILL ASLEEP ❤️💛' I posted it as Ross started to wake up. "Momma" he mumbled. I smiled and picked him up as his eyes opened fully. "Hey baby" I smiled. "Hungers" he mumbled.i woke Ryland up and he smiled "Okay baby. Let's go have breakfast" Ryland sat up "what's for breakfast?" He asked. "It's a surprise"

We walked downstairs with Ryland following. I placed Ross at the table and gave him a drink before letting him pick his breakfast. Riker had just hung up the phone as I filled Ross' plate with breakfast food. "Mom guess what?!" Riker exclaimed. I laughed "What?"

"They just offered me a place on Dancing with the stars!"

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