Friends and social services

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Rydel's POV

I walked downstairs to see rocky and Alexa snuggling on the couch. "Where's Ross?" I asked. "Dining room or kitchen" Rocky told me. I smiled "Thanks." I walked into the dining room and saw Ross sitting at the table with mom. He was eating chicken nuggets with vegetables. "Rossy" He looked up at me. "Can I get you ready for bed?" I asked. He nodded,smiling. "Hurry up and finish then." I laughed. He only had a couple carrots and a chicken nugget left. Once he ate them he had a drink of water. "What about dessert?" He asked mom. Mom smiled "If you want warm brownies I have to start making them now. They won't be done for an hour." she told him. "So go have your bath and get in your pyjamas then when you come down you have had dessert while watching TV" Ross nodded before running up to me.

After his bath I dried Ross and took him I his room. I put a pull up on him "D'you wanna wear your puppy onesie?" I asked. he nodded so I helped him put it on. The onesie had a hood ,with ears, and a tail.The feet were like paws and you could pull little gloves over the hands to make them into paws too. "You look so cute!" He giggled. "Brownies?" He asked. "Yep"

I took him downstairs too see Riker,Dom,Curt and Titus on the floor,Ell,Laura Raini and Calum on one couch,waiting for me and Ryland,Savannah,Alexa and Rocky on the other couch. They all smiled when me and Ross walked in. "Awh! Look at you!" Ryland exclaimed. Ross smiled. Mom walked out and smiled when she saw Ross. This is the first time Ross has ever met our friends. "Brownies?" He asked mom as he ran into her arms. "Yep come on."

We all put a funny TV show on and started talking when Ross walked in with a big bowl of brownies. He walked around and held out the bowl to each person. Laura,Raini,Calum and Ell took one and said thank you. I took one and kissed his head. Then Savannah and Alexa took one "Thanks honey" Alexa smiled. Ross giggled as Ryland and Rocky took one each. Then He walked over to Riker and Riker,Curt,Titus and Dom took one so Ross ran back into the kitchen. "He's too cute!" Savannah exclaimed. I nodded as I heard Ross giggle and he ran in with his little bowl full of brownies and ice cream. He ran over to his corner and pulled out some blocks.
As Ross ate his brownie he was playing with his blocks. After about half an hour he was silent. "Is he okay?" Riker asked. Ross had moved his den to behind the couch so no one could see him. "I'll check" rocky said. He stood up and walked to the back of the couch. He smiled as he lifted up the sleeping child. "I'll take him to bed"

The next morning
Stormies POV

I walked into Ross' room to see him still asleep. I usually would just let him sleep but social services is coming over to see how Ross is settling In. It's been exactly a month since Ross got here so they wanna check up on him to see if he's okay. I walked over and shook Ross slightly. He opened his eyes "Sleeps" He mumbled "No baby. You have to wake up" I told him. He nodded slightly and sat up. "Cooking?" He asked,rubbing his eyes. "We can do decorating but not cooking" He smiled and nodded.

Once he was dressed and ready I took him downstairs and have him some pancakes. Social Services could come at any time. Mark walked in and kissed Ross' head. "You okay?" He asked me. "I'm nervous" I whispered "what if they take him?" I asked. "Why would they?" He asked. "Because of his chin,elbow and knee and all his cuts" I whispered. Mark hugged me. "They won't honey."

Social services turned up around 10:40. I ran to the door and opened it to see a ginger woman. "Hi!" I greeted inviting her in. "Hi." She smiled. She walked into the living room where Ross and Mark were playing with the cars. "Oh Ross. What's happened?" She asked,lifting his head up. "I was playing in the garden and I falled over" he explained. The woman smiled. "Okay." "Would you like a drink..." Mark trailed off "Susan" the woman finished. "Right,would you like a drink Susan?" Mark asked. "Coffee with milk and two sugars please"

Susan sat on the floor with Ross. "So Ross. D'you like it here?" She asked. "yeah." He smiled as he pulled out a yellow car. "who's your favourite sibling?" Susan asked. Ross thought for a moment "Either Rocky or Rydel because Rocky kisses my boo boos and Makes me laugh and Rydel always buys me things but I loves all of them" Ross answered. Susan smiled "D'you think you've settled in well?" She asked. "Yep" Ross laughed. Susan smiled "D'you have a lot of fun?" She asked. Ross nodded "Me and Mommy and Daddy always have fun with the others"

Susan sat next to me and Mark "How's Ross been sleeping?" She asked. "He sometimes has nightmares but once he's back to sleep he won't wake up to at least 9" Mark explained. She smiled and nodded "Does he talk much about his old family?" She asked. "Not really" I said and me and Mark looked at each other "He usually just stays quiet about it" he finished. "D'you think he is getting along Okay with the other children?" Susan asked as she glanced at Ross who was giggling at the TV. "Yeah. They all love him,he loves them. they get on really well" I informed her. Mark smiled and nodded. "Now,do you think he's settled in well?" She aske. Me and Mark both nodded. "I think because of his age he just tries to be nice to everyone. He was abit distant at first but he's settled in great"

"Ross seems to have settled down really well" Susan told me. She's been here since 10:40 and she was about to leave at 4:30 I smiled "He seems comfortable and happy here,which is good. Apart from the cuts from his fall there is no problems" I smiled again. "Thank you" I smiled "No problem. As long as Ross is alright that's all that matters"

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