First day

768 25 14

September 21st
Ross' POV

"Have a good day Ross!" Daddy smiled as he and Mommy dropped me at school. It was my first day today and I'm not excited. "Do I have to go?" I asked. Mom shot me a soft smile. "Don't worry. You'll be fine." The whistle blew. "You better get going. I'll see you at 3" Mommy told me. I frowned but nodded they both kissed my head before leading me to my class. I saw a girl smile at me as I stood in the line.

We got lead to our new classroom and hung our bags up. "Okay. We're gonna sit you in special seats so you can all make friends" our teacher, Mrs Dawson, told us. She pointed at the seats at said our names. "Eva" she pointed at a blue seat. A blonde girl walked over and sat there. She was the one who smiled at me in the line. "Ross Shor" Mrs Dawson pointed at the Yellow seat next to Eva. "D'you wanna be called Ross Shor?" Mrs Dawson asked. "Just Ross" I mumbled, sitting down. Mrs Dawson nodded before pointing at the green seat "David" she went across our table pointing at the colourful seats. There was 8 seats. Me, Eva, David, Teresa, Tony and Michelle,Sid and Connor. "Okay. So today, we're gonna make macaroni necklaces. For your Mommy's or daddy's or sisters or you. I'm gonna give you all some paints and we can get started. Mrs Dawson put the paints on the table along with the macaroni. I started making mine for Mommy. "Ross. You don't talk very much" Connor smiled. Everyone looked at me. I blushed. "I do" I mumbled. Michelle laughed "who's yours for?" I asked David. "My Mommy." He told me. I smiled "Does she like the colour purple?" I asked. He smiled and nodded "who's yours for?" He asked. "My Mommy too." I giggled as I placed a blue piece of macaroni onto the string. "Why Blue,Pink,Green,Yellow and Red?" Teresa asked. "They're R5 colours. That's my siblings band" I told them. Eva's face lit up "really?! I love them" she giggled. I smiled and nodded "me too."

3 hours later

By lunch time we had made our necklaces, painted pictures and started to learn the alphabet. I walked into the cafeteria with Connor. We had been together all day. "Let's sit in the corner" he exclaimed. I giggled and nodded before following him over. I opened my lunchbox and saw my lunch. "What you got Rossy?" Connor asked. "A PB&J, An apple, A banana and a cupcake". I smiled slightly. "What you got?" I asked conner. "I got a Nutella sandwich, an orange, an apple and a cookie. D'you wanna share?" He asked. I nodded. We halved our sandwiches, I gave him half of my banana and half of my cupcake and he gave me half of his orange and half of his cookie.

10 minutes later

"Recess!"  We heard. Connor and I put our lunch boxes away before following our class outside. We played in the sandbox and then on the slide. "Kids!" Mrs Dawson yelled. We ran inside and sat in our seats. "Did you all have a nice lunch?" Mrs Dawson asked. We All nodded "let's get started then"


"See you tomorrow Rossy" Connor smiled hugging me. "Bye" I smiled. "Bye Ross" Mrs Dawson smiled "bye" I smiled. I saw Rocky and Alexa talking so I ran over and hugged Alexa's legs. "Hey muffin. You have a good day?" Alexa smiled. I nodded as Rocky took my lunchbox. "I made Mommy a necklace" I smiled. Rocky smiled "That's great" he smiled. "Bye Ross!" I heard. I turned around and saw Tony. "Bye" I smiled. "Let's go home"

10 minutes later

We got home and I ran to Mommy who was on the couch. "Hey little one! How was your first day?" She asked. "It was good. I made you something" I smiled. I opened my backpack and pulled out the necklace. Mommy smiled. "Oh Rossy. It's beautiful." She smiled "D'you like it?" I asked hopefully. "Baby I love it" she smiled, putting it on. I smiled. Daddy walked in "Hey buddy! How was school?" He asked. "It was really good. I made mama a necklace and i made you a picture" I explained, handing him a picture I drew. It was a picture of Me, Mommy and daddy with Riker, Vanni,Rocky, Alexa, RyRy, Savannah, Delly and Ell. Daddy smiled. "That's great." He smiled. I smiled. "Everyone's coming over for pizza tonight lovely" Mommy told me. I smiled and nodded. Daddy lifted me up and sat on the couch with me on his lap"So. Tell me about your day"

2 hours later

Rydel and Ellington walked in and I ran over. "Rossbear! How was school?" Rydel asked "really good" I smiled. Ellington smiled. "Dinner" Mommy yelled. We all walked over and sat at the table. Mommy passed me some pizza and I took a bite.

The next morning

"Rossy" I heard. I opened my eyes and saw Mommy. "Baby it's time to get up" she whispered. I groaned "tired." I mumbled. Mommy smiled "I know."


Mommy, Delly, Vanni and I arrived at my school. I had 10 minutes until I have to go in. "Rossy!" I heard. I looked up and saw Connor. I smiled as he hugged me "let's play on the swings"

Stormies POV

Ross ran off with a little boy as a woman walked over. "Hi. You must be Ross' mom" she laughed. I nodded "I'm Stormie" I smiled. "I'm Cheryl. Connors mom" she introduced. "They look like they get along well" Rydel laughed. We looked and saw them playing tag with other kids. "Yeah. He had a great day yesterday" Cheryl smiled. I nodded "so did Ross." I laughed. The whistle blew and the two boys ran over to get Their things. I gave Ross his backpack and lunchbox. "Bye Mommy." He smiled. I kissed his head "Daddy's picking you up tonight remember" he nodded as Connor grabbed his hand "bye" they both giggled as they ran inside. I saw Mrs Dawson smile at them as they walked in. We turned around and started to walk out of the school after saying goodbye to Cheryl. Rydel sighed. "What?" Vanni asked.

"Okay I can NOT Be the only one who ships Ross and Connor!"

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